What is Going on, Now?

Minds that will never be alike.

Joselyn Vargas
Gender Theory
3 min readJun 5, 2017


Kathy Griffin controversial picture, which led her to be fired from CNN.

Oh how times have change…or that’s what we would like to think. Kathy Griffin’s picture has sparked a debate of whether if she has crossed a line by holding a fake decapitated head of President Trump as a joke. While many famous people are condemning the picture because of its gruesome content others are standing besides Griffin and giving her their full support during this crucial time.

What can be said about this picture? Well the obvious, it is gruesome and horrific, but why is it sparking a huge debate while similar images from the past did not spark a similar outrage? Was it because it was created by Griffin and the president’s ego is so big and believes he’s a perfect creature, that should not be disrespected by anyone, especially by a women?

Hell, in the past we’ve seen how others spoke about President Obama, and created scenes of him getting lynched or being burned at stake, but it was not publicize as much as this. It was not as controversial as what is occurring right now.

Let’s recall Sara Ahmed article, The Phenomenology of Whiteness, describes how whiteness has become something that takes up space, is noticeable and does not make space for anyone or anything else. Whiteness is supposedly the epitome of life and it is what everyone should strive for. As “Americans” see their whiteness being attacked by Griffins portrayal of President Trump, then they become afraid. Why? Because they can see how their system is beginning to fail their white bodies. The bodies that they want to greatly protect and especially if it someone who holds extraordinary power! They’re overtly emphasizing Griffins action, to show the disapproving reaction she’s receiving by everyone. This is a statement move showing how it is NOT okay to mess or dehumanize white bodies and how ones will not accept this type of actions.

Yes, we are witnessing Griffins hate towards Trumps presidency. But you should understand that this is currently happening because Griffin wants to protect those who are feeling attacked by Trump. As Ahmed explains in her other article, The Organisation of Hate, hate exist because we want to protect our loved ones from those who we might believe that might put them in danger. Trumps ignorance, bigotry, islamophobia and many other horrible aspects affects many of our loved ones. She sees Trump for who he is and is willing to use her freedom of speech to provoke him and show him that she will not keep quiet. She’s showing him that she will do anything so Trump cannot hurt or scared anyone from living their life. The love that Griffin has for her loved ones is what gave her the confidence to do what she did.

While many may criticize her actions, others will applaud her for it. The Love and Hate relationship that many have for Trump will continue to unravel to see how far comedians or the public is willing to go.

