Why I despise the use of the word mujer?

Marilyn Orosco-Figueroa
Gender Theory
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2015

The use of the word mujer has been said by my dad to my mom for all my life, but not till recently I have understood the real meaning behind situation that my dad uses the word and I hate his interpretation. I began to acknowledge that my dad uses the word as a calling to my mom for a response from her in him needing something from her. Instead of using her name he calls out mujer which in English it means woman. This topic was brought to my mind because of the reading by Gloria Anzaldua titled How to tame a wild tongue in which she discusses the language as being masculine and how she quoted by saying “language is a male discourse”. Right after the line I was transported back to a certain incident in which my dad had asked my mom about where some shirt of his was located at and I remember telling my dad why he was using that word with my mom in mind rather then using her name and I remember him responding with a question and said isn't she a woman and I said “yes” she was but the way that he used the word, it was not proper in my interpretation of it and sounded more like she was a object that he needed something from her and did not see her as a person and he could not respond to my questioning and walked away. Right after my dad walked away I asked my mom why she had not questioned the word choice of mujer instead of her name “Otilia” and she did not answer in a thorough answer and simply she only said that he had always called her by that word and she never questioned it because everyone else that was married around her was also called that. I then asked how she calls my dad and her choice words were ‘eh tu’ which is just to get his attention and means basically “Hey you”and on rare occasions she would call him by his name “Maximo” but my mom does not take offense in him calling her mujer.

I tried to understand the choice word of mujer in Hispanic culture by researching some sources and some things turned up which I found that people can use “mi mujer” which means “my wife” and I found it incredibly infuriating in using those choice words in representing your partner. There are reasons behind the use of wife and mujer in the same definition but all I can think about is the barbaric significance that women are treated as objects and things for men to do what they will because of prior history (e.g dominance over women, masculinity). Interestingly enough I also found some readers online who also had similar opinion as I on the interpretation of the word which one reader said mujer is somewhat derogatory in English and others even mentioned it was informal to use. Honestly from what I gathered the word choice of mujer depends on the couple and how they feel about the use of it. I personally would never want to be called it, but I have personal reasons behind it but I should be accepting with other peoples relationships even if they are your own parents but it shouldn't hurt to try at least.

