About us

Simran Kalra
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2019

GenderChapter was set up as the Feminist Society at Goodenough College in 2017. The organisation aims to provide a space for meaningful engagement on topical issues and generate awareness about Feminism and Feminist implications of everyday life. Its members are committed to identifying, resisting and reshaping structural relations of patriarchy, class, race, and gender, locally and transnationally.

We are a group of lawyers, social workers, journalists, policy analysts and activists with qualifications and work experience in different countries. Our members have expertise on family abuse, violence against women and girls, education, labour market inclusion, legal innovation, entrepreneurial projects that focus on Feminist empowerment, politics and governance.

In recent years, the relevance of Feminism has been repeatedly challenged on a global scale. Although indicators on women’s access to work, education, and health have improved in many parts of the world, the fight for gender and sex-based equality continues. Moreover, despite these positive changes, the discourse has become increasingly polarised and new binary constructions have come to reify female and feminine subordination.

Responding to these challenges against the movement, we say that Feminism is about creating an equal and inclusive world, where people — of all sexes, genders, sexual preferences, race, cultures and religions — make life and everyday choices with freedom and not because of coercion or normative biases, but from voluntariness, willingness, informed choice and social, cultural and personal preferences.

Through GenderChapter, we (Ana and I), along with other colleagues offer both online — and real — spaces for discussion, engagement and consultation over drastic as well as daily intersectional experiences with patriarchy. We organise research talks, community intervention, reading groups, movie screenings, and other exciting events.

Join our mailing list to learn about our events and collaborations at Goodenough College. We welcome blog contributions and event ideas on themes that are close to our campaign.

~Simran Kalra with Ana Orantes



Simran Kalra

Indian, feminist, scholar, writer, lawyer, caffeine addict.