4 signs that you’re asking for it

Valeria Miranda
Gendered Violence
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2018

Every 98 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted, but we ask for it…right?

As Hawksworth states, postmodernism insisting on rape’s indeterminacy as an event,and hence on the impossibility of ascribing blame to a rapist and innocence to a victim. It seems that the more rape victims there are, the more the blame shifts to the victim. The more we begin to analyze what the victim did wrong instead of why we raise the rapist with the mentality that what they are doing is ok. The more we look at how short a girls skirt is, or how provocative her online post are. The most hurtful of all, belittling a man’s masculinity if they get rape because, “men don’t get raped.”

  1. “You wear proactive clothing”

In the eyes of all these thinkers, rape has always already occurred and women are always either already raped or already rapable.” So of course, if the women dressed in fishnets in a mini skirt must have asked for it. She has to know the consequences of dressing that way. She has to know that once you dress like that, men are bound to be aroused by what they see. They can’t help it. The sad part is, a once confident women will never be able to freely wear what she wants without the fear of being sexually assulted.

2. “If she wasn’t so drunk, maybe she would be able to defend herself..”

While drinking past the limit is never safe for anyone, it is never an excuse for anyone to take advantage of that. When its not you in their position, people tend to ask, how did they let themselves get that drunk? Why don’t they have self control, but I know, just like many of you, how one Adios can creep up to you after a minute and will have you wondering how one thing led to another. Its easy to think this way when you have gotten lucky every time and have, by the grace of a higher power, have never been raped.

3. They said no, but their body said something eles.

Whose “no” can never mean “no”? How do rape trials condone men’s misinterpretations of women’s words? How do rape trials consolidate men’s subjective accounts into objective “norms of truth” and deprive women’s subjective accounts of cognitive value? How could one misconstrue another persons no. Just because someone said yes at first doesn’t mean they cannot change their mind, I’m sorry if it ruined your plans for the night. There are different ways of saying no, pushing someone away, nodding your head no, even if you feel someone feeling uncomfortable, you STOP.

4. “They are lying, they just want attention..”

Its been so long since it happened, why didn’t they say something before? She always flirts with guys, shes probably lying because he didn’t like her. Instead of our society questioning the rapist, we question the victim. Now, there are instances where there have been lies, but we cannot be unfair to where we question the victim and not the rapist. We shouldn’t put anyone down. Yes , this might sound like the perfect world situation, but the amount of hurt we cause with victim blaming is unremarkable many times.

