Kim Kardashian should be thankful she lives in the United States.

Abel Garcia
Gendered Violence
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2016

The comparison of Pakistan feminist Qandeel Baloch to Kim Kardashian is that they both became famous because social media lead to the rise of their popularity and celebrity status. However, Qandeel did not fully follow Kardashian’s foot steep and completely post a porn video.

After the assassination of Qandeel by her brother in Pakistan, it comes to show that woman in the middle east are less likely to be respected even if their own personal interests are absurd. In Qandeel’s case, she wanted to become a famous singer in Pakistan and wanted to follow her dreams to become a famous artist. Following her wildest dreams, Qandeel managed to grab the audience attention through social media by exposing herself.

Many would compare this young Pakistani woman to the big celebrity icon, and the current wife of Kanye West, Kim Kardashian. One would think that after this drastic case of assassination, Kim would have a response since she’s being compared to someone from out of the country. It’s quite astonishing that Kim Kardashian has not expressed her two cents into Qandeel’s case.

I personally think that Kim Kardashian would be thankful to be in a society that is not as corrupted as Pakistan. Unlike Qandeel, Kim Kardashian is huge feminist icon for many young women in the United States. She considers herself a feminist and expresses it through the exposing of her body through social media. Kim should be happy that her siblings aren’t ashamed of her to the point where she gets murdered. If she considers herself a feminist, she should probably have an announcement about Qandeel’s murder showing that she “actually cares about being a feminist”.

It’s sad to see that many women around the world are restricted from being themselves. This shows how lucky woman in the United States are because they have the freedom of expression. Although society is 100 percent for woman’s rights, there is a current woman running for presidency in the democratic party and it shows how far society has evolved from “Machismo”.

Spivak herself says that desire does not lack anything and who has more desire in the past? Men! Men have always had the upper hand in everything. They have always been the ones to set the rules, lead the wars, and provide for their wife and kids.

Our society should be grateful we are not living in a society such as Qandeel’s.

