“Have you ever wondered how much energy you put in to avoid being assaulted? It may shock you”

Jess Brooks
Genders, and other gendered things
2 min readJul 18, 2018

“What was most surprising was how all 50 of the women I interviewed significantly underestimated the amount of work they were putting in to avoid intrusions by men in the street, and the impact this had on them.

They recognised that they were making certain decisions about routes home, or where to sit on public transport. They spoke about using sunglasses or headphones in order to create a shield — a way to give the impression that they didn’t hear that man making a sexual comment, or didn’t see that other man touching himself as he walked behind them…

It’s not just the overt approaches from men making comments about what they’re wearing and asking where they are going or what they’re doing. It’s that women are routinely pulled out of their own thoughts in order to evaluate their environment. They are less free to think about the things they want to think about because of the extra effort they have to put in to feel safe…

The vast majority of this work is preemptive. It’s the subconscious attempt to evaluate what one of my participants called “the right amount of panic” — never quite knowing if a behaviour is an overreaction of if that reaction is actually the reason they avoided an encounter.

The trouble is, women are only ever able to count the times when such strategies don’t work — when they are harassed by a man, or assaulted. The work put into the successes — the number of times women’s actions prevent men from intruding — go unnoticed.

All this in turn keeps us underestimating the scale of the problems women face in everyday life.”



Jess Brooks
Genders, and other gendered things

A collection blog of all the things I am reading and thinking about; OR, my attempt to answer my internal FAQs.