“How To Apologize For Sexual Harassment (Hint: It Takes More Than ‘Sorry’)”

Jess Brooks
Genders, and other gendered things
1 min readJan 19, 2019

“any good apology should make clear that the wrongdoer will carry some of the pain. Lerner offers an ideal example: “I will be struggling — perhaps forever — because of the harm I’ve caused women who trusted me to mentor and help them. What I have done will not slip out of my brain after the media attention has dimmed. I also understand that a reparation or restitution is due, and one that fits the emotional pain I have caused.”

She adds a semi-serious coda: “For a start, I plan to give $50 million to organizations and institutions that are fighting to end harassment, abuse and violence against women.”

Another important thing to remember while issuing an apology — any apology, Lerner adds — is not to ask for forgiveness.”



Jess Brooks
Genders, and other gendered things

A collection blog of all the things I am reading and thinking about; OR, my attempt to answer my internal FAQs.