“Joe Biden Said Guys Who Ignore Misogyny Are ‘Accomplices’ to Sexual Assault”

Jess Brooks
Genders, and other gendered things
1 min readAug 22, 2016

“Directly addressing the men in the audience, Biden said, “We’ve got to overcome this social discomfort of calling out the misogyny that happens when no women are present: the locker room talk, the bar banter, the rape jokes. As a man, maybe it makes you uncomfortable, but if you let it pass because you wanna become of the one guys, you become an accomplice.”

Biden explained that men on college campuses especially need to hold their peers accountable, saying, “It’s a fraternity party, you see a co-ed that is absolutely stone drunk, you see one of your brothers walking her upstairs. If you don’t have the courage to walk up and say, ‘Hey, Jack, not in my house,’ you are an accomplice. You are an accomplice.””



Jess Brooks
Genders, and other gendered things

A collection blog of all the things I am reading and thinking about; OR, my attempt to answer my internal FAQs.