“My Life as an Ivy League Sugar Baby”

Jess Brooks
Genders, and other gendered things
2 min readFeb 19, 2016

At a school like Princeton, everyone speaks loudly about their ambitions and accomplishments, while our struggles and insecurities are barely whispered, even to ourselves. I was about to be released from Princeton, after being molded into the proper Ivy League renaissance woman ready for gainful employment. At least, that was the expectation. However, my professional future turned out to be more unorthodox than even I anticipated…

My decision to start dating men for money was a surprisingly easy one to make. I’d always been fascinated by stories of escorts and sex workers and had seen them as kindred spirits in the realm of libertinism and debauchery. I dimly understood that sex unlocked parts of us that we keep hidden, and I saw sex work as a foray into therapy. Since I was graduating with a psychology degree and had a reputation as an aggressively sex-positive slut, sex work seemed an obvious choice…

Although, I’ve finally mastered being a sugar cunt, I wouldn’t say that the life is glamorous by any stretch of the imagination. The money’s been good, but the pretty jewelry has becomes less enticing the more I realize that it’s really a ball and chain. None of the sugar dicks I’ve dated have stuck, either because they felt too strongly about me and couldn’t reconcile the payment with their emotions, or because I felt like they were emotional parasites, eating my orgasms to feed their ego.”



Jess Brooks
Genders, and other gendered things

A collection blog of all the things I am reading and thinking about; OR, my attempt to answer my internal FAQs.