What is genei?

Billy B Richards
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2020


genei [gee-nee] is a tool. In its most pure form, it’s a piece of software that takes research-grade Natural Language Processing (the kind of technology that powers Siri, Alexa, and Google Translate), applies it to web-pages, and tells you — the user — what it has found.

What does this mean?

Artificial Intelligence is a varied field, and people debate how good it really is. One thing it can do — and it does very well — is analyse language.

We apply these principles to text in order to fix what we see as ‘slow evolution’ — the fact that our learning process has not caught up with our technological capability

What genei does for you is simple. In this first iteration, genei will be a browser extension. Whenever you are on a website, you can use genei to summarise the whole page. The longer the page, the longer the summary! The real fun starts when you click on the genei button. At this point, genei adds a layer of artificial intelligence over the contents of the webpage that, in principle, speeds up the rate at which you can learn the important information from that page.

We want to augment the human learning process.

A symbiosis between man and machine, in pursuit of faster learning.

First few wishes from Genei

How do we do this?

Our initial features are as follows:

  • ‘Intelligent’ Summarisation
  • Keyword/ Keyphrase extraction. This feature identifies, extracts and defines: keywords, phrases, and numbers; highlighting them in the summary, the original web-page, and presenting them in an ‘entity map’
  • Quick-find: If you select one of the keywords/phrases or summary sentences it will immediately locate it within the original web-page allowing you to see it in context and read around
  • Improved readability: We declutter the web-page, removing adverts and other unimportant elements to leave you only with the essential text/ images

We are incredibly excited to share our product with you in the coming weeks and have been working round-the-clock to optimise the user experience. We don’t fully know what features will help, what features won’t, and so ask you — our early adopters — to help us on our mission to evolve human learning.

http://genei.io — Learn Smart.

Billy Richards
Co-CEO and Co-Founder

