How Blockchain Can Play a Vital Role in Aviation

genEOS Official
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2018

The significance of blockchain in aviation is difficult to overestimate. When it comes to people’s lives, it is important to be sure that the aircraft is maintained properly, or the pilot’s license has not expired. In case of any violations, it’s crucial to know that airlines haven’t been concealing any facts.

Apart from this, blockchain can pledge the traceability of all the components needed for the aircraft maintenance, identification transparency, and much more. This post will outline the scopes of these blockchain applications.


Blockchain is built in such a way that every new block inherits all the data from the previous blocks. It means that data can’t disappear or become fractured.

Why is it needed in aviation?

  • If there are any problems with an aircraft, airlines may disguise this information to protect themselves. Blockchain data can’t be concealed or manipulated.
  • Blockchain successfully solves the problem of double-sold tickets. Every new record keeps information about all the tickets already sold.
  • To sign up for an airline’s loyalty program, passengers should create their personal accounts. Current loyalty management systems can’t guarantee that a single customer manages only one account, while blockchain can.


The blockchain decentralization secures all records. Unlike centrally managed databases, blockchain-based ones are impossible to hack.

Why is it needed in aviation?

  • As airlines keep their passengers’ and aircraft crew’s personal information, the databases should be secure to prevent leaks. This is also of crucial importance in avoiding hijacking.


Blockchain participants are required to approve each record collectively. For instance, applications built on top of the genEOS blockchain environment require 21 witnesses’ approval for making new records.

Why is it needed in aviation?

  • In aviation, the same information may be provided by different parties. For instance, both a pilot and an airline record the flight details. Since blockchain operates as a digital ledger, it detects mismatches instantly, if any.
  • A pilot’s blockchain-powered validated logbook stores all the information about each pilot including their experience and the flight records. In addition, pilots can then provide this information on demand.
  • Blockchain-based applications can notify about any violations immediately. The expiration of a pilot’s license is one of such examples.
  • As airplanes need to be maintained at all times, it is important to know the history of repairs and overhauls. It includes details on what parts were changed or repaired, which ones are original and which are not, etc. A digital ledger will allow tracking all the components’ details like their serial numbers, dates of manufacturing and verification, a number of spare parts available, etc.
  • When it comes to task management, blockchain allows keeping the information on what should be done, who is responsible for this, who is to appoint a task, and the deadlines. Since all the records are automatically verified, there’s no doubt in their accuracy. This is especially important when it comes to the aircraft repair workflows.


The blockchain-centric approach to data records in aviation guarantees their reliability. It can be used to convince the public in an airline’s actions in case of emergency, to assure customers against ticket double-selling, and to operate loyalty programs effectively.

The decentralization of blockchain secures all the stored data and can prevent it from leaks to potential hijackers. The requirement for witnesses who are to approve every new record allows keeping data from forging. In addition, the same information provided by different parties is automatically synced and compared, so no inconsistencies and misleading records are possible. Since blockchain acts as a digital ledger, it pledges near-instant traceability of all the processes. For instance, it can monitor all the necessary details regarding aircraft maintenance, repairs, and overhaul.

