The Blockchain Battle: genEOS vs Ethereum

genEOS Official
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2018

Which blockchain platform is better — the ubiquitous Ethereum or the newly released genEOS, a business-focused decentralized ecosystem based on blockchain? Which one to choose for developing your decentralized application (Dapp)?

In this post, we’re going to compare Ethereum and genEOS against various criteria and discuss advantages of each platform for different use cases.

Target Audiences

Though somehow overlapping, Ethereum and genEOS target different audiences. Ethereum was developed for a wider public, thus having more generic and fewer specialized features.

genEOS focuses both on businesses looking to solve their own challenges with blockchain, and on software development teams building business-grade solutions.


Ethereum allows creating both Dapps and cryptocurrencies. This opens up possibilities for any type of teams and businesses.

Those who opt for Ethereum mostly use it to build cryptocurrency exchanges and create smart contracts. However, Ethereum’s multi-functional toolkit doesn’t provide any native specialized tools for businesses. Such tools can only be developed separately and then integrated with Ethereum.


genEOS was created as a next-gen tech solution focused on the business side of the market. Its goal is to enable widespread adoption of blockchain
technology across businesses. So, instead of providing only general tools, genEOS plans to serve up its out-of-the-box development toolkit with all the necessary components to build business-grade Dapps.


genEOS is a more business-specific blockchain environment, whereas Ethereum delivers opportunities of a wider scope yet without a massive variety of pre-designed features.


As genEOS is more business-focused, it provides not only a full-fledged blockchain ecosystem but also professional development assistance that goes with it.

On the contrary, Ethereum is a standalone environment that doesn’t provide any extra resources to create a Dapp.


To develop on Ethereum, you should either learn the technology by yourself or find an experienced team to help you. If you’re not a developer and have never outsourced software development jobs, managing and controlling such a process can be challenging.


Understanding business needs, genEOS provides not only a blockchain environment but a strong dev team ready to build Dapps to order. Having been with genEOS from the very beginning, these people know the platform inside out and can act as technical consultants on Dapp development. In addition, genEOS plans to release ready-made Dapps to the public so that businesses can reuse them.


Unlike Ethereum, genEOS with its off-the-shelf development toolkit, open knowledge base, and reusable Dapps available to the public helps to release new Dapps quicker.

Programming Language

Ethereum uses a contract-oriented programming language called Solidity, whereas genEOS works with any language that can compile into a web assembly.


To implement smart contracts, Ethereum-based applications use Solidity, a contract-oriented, high-level language. It was created for Ethereum Virtual Machine and has elements of Python, JavaScript, and C++.


genEOS supports any web assembly-compiling language. However, C++ is the major programming language for genEOS. According to TIOBE Index, C++ is the third most popular programming language all over the world, which means there are comparatively more developers able to write a C++ code.


A bigger number of C++ developers makes developing on top of the genEOS platform more accessible.


Ethereum, with its limited number of processing transactions per second, is sensitive to traffic volumes. On the contrary, genEOS enables hundreds of thousands of concurrent transactions, which makes genEOS-powered Dapps easy to scale.


Limitations on the number of simultaneous transactions make Ethereum vulnerable to the volume of concurrent users. That’s why if a Dapp using the Ethereum blockchain becomes popular, its avalanching traffic can affect the speed of transactions for the entire Ethereum-based chain, as the case of CryptoKitties exemplifies.


genEOS-powered Dapps are easily scalable because the platform enables hundreds of thousands of simultaneous transactions.


Sustaining thousands of transactions per second, genEOS provides a better scalability than Ethereum.


A powerful blockchain platform, Ethereum can serve any type of Dapp development teams. However, it offers only a bare blockchain ecosystem rather than particular toolkits for specific needs.

genEOS is more business-oriented offering both a blockchain platform and development resources. In addition, genEOS is written in a commonly used programming language and enables thousands of simultaneous transactions per second, which makes the platform more appropriate for businesses compared to Ethereum.

