What Blockchain Platform to Choose: genEOS or EOS?

genEOS Official
Published in
4 min readAug 17, 2018

genEOS and EOS are two blockchain platforms with both their similarities and differences. Let’s compare them one to another against major criteria and see which is better for Dapp development.

Why Use a Blockchain Platform

Companies and software developers creating Dapps need blockchain platforms to minimize their costs. Without such a blockchain ecosystem, they would have to build their blockchain, and only then develop a Dapp on top of it, complete with the entire functionality like smart contracts, user authorization and so on. A ready-made platform will already have a blockchain and various building blocks out of the box.

But having a ready-to-run blockchain, developers can’t change it and have to go with all its inherent features. For instance, if such a blockchain uses the Proof-of-Stake principle, developers who build on it can’t implement the Proof-of-Work consensus.

genEOS vs EOS: Points to Compare

In this section, we’re going to understand the difference between EOS and genEOS to be able to choose the better solution for particular needs.


Similarities. Both platforms are powered by blockchain. They both allow creating, deploying, and maintaining autonomous Dapps.


  • EOS positions itself as a bare platform with no extra features, which leaves room for Dapp developers to create those themselves.
  • genEOS is a business-focused ecosystem, which plans to facilitate the work of Dapp developers with the appropriate web toolkit. However, if the pre-designed tools won’t suit, developers will be still welcome to create their own.

The bottom line. To create a business-oriented Dapp, genEOS can be more cost-efficient as it intends to provide its original toolkit. Development of extra tools would need more investment.


Similarities. Both ecosystems have a pre-designed crowdfunding functionality, which facilitates token distribution.


  • EOS didn’t guarantee that everyone was legit to participate. For instance, some EOS-based ICOs prohibit Americans and Chinese from taking part.
  • genEOS allows participation of people around the world (with KYC required).

The bottom line. If the team building a Dapp plans an ICO, legal issues should be taken into consideration. genEOS guarantees legitimate participation regardless of a token buyer’s nationality.

Governance Model

Similarities. Each platform requires 21 witnesses for every transaction.


  • EOS. The idea of how to choose the exact 21 witnesses is based on their random selection from the volunteering candidates. However, as the top 100 EOS-holders own 75% of the ecosystem, the game is not expected to be fair.
  • genEOS is going to use an accelerating voting system that will eliminate any risk of monopolizing the genEOS blockchain.

The bottom line. genEOS guarantees a shared governance without any monopolization risks, whereas EOS does not.

Technical Details

Similarities. Both environments give the opportunity for developers to build their Dapps based on these platforms. The programming language is C/C++ for both with a possibility of supporting other programming languages coming soon.


  • EOS stakes on the community development. The platform doesn’t supply any pre-designed web toolkit. However, it encourages developers to upload their open-source Dapps for public use. One of the weaknesses of such an approach is that there’s no guarantee that such applications will be bug-free.
  • genEOS plans to give the official off-the-shelf toolkit. The ecosystem guarantees error-free operation of all the pre-designed applications and smart contracts. Moreover, the platform’s team will keep maintaining them. Among the examples of such Dapps, there is a crypto wallet, which will be launched shortly. The flip side of this approach though, is that such tools can’t be changed. On the other hand, if a certain tool doesn’t fit, it’s possible to develop your own based on genEOS.

The bottom line. With a limited development budget, it will be more cost-efficient to use genEOS as it will launches the ready-made toolkit. At the same time, both platforms are open for anyone to develop their own solutions.

Final Tips on Picking a Blockchain Platform

  1. From the very beginning, get to know the functionality of different blockchain ecosystems.
  2. Make sure your platform of choice fits your requirements at its core. If not, think whether your budget is enough for your own blockchain development. If you develop on a shoestring, stick to a pre-designed environment.
  3. If you decided to use a blockchain ecosystem, check whether it is equipped with all what you need and whether its principles are in line with your vision.

Takeaways. While having differences in their positioning and features, genEOS and EOS are both open for developers to build Dapps with C/C++ using the Proof-of-Stake concept. However, as genEOS is specifically business-focused, it is more cost-efficient for meeting business needs, especially after the launch of its extensive built-in functionality.

