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A poem

general journal of infinite musings
1 min readFeb 15, 2016


a) one of a kind, a golden-spined bookbind, letters worn thin

b) a volume in an anthology

c) a textbook filled with notes from past lovers

d) 1/nth of a collection heading in the same direction: away from me


Why did you leave me? (Mark all that apply.)

a) I wasn’t good enough for you.

b) I wasn’t/was like her.

c) No reason. You didn’t even try.

d) At one point, we ran out of things to say. And the silence just became too loud for you.

e) You didn’t love me. Not really.

f) Too much was at stake.


True or False:

a) my skin, to you, is scratch paper

b) my laughter is like white noise

c) your words were forged signatures

d) you’re tired of my voice

e) you’re not sure that you loved me

f) you fell out of love long before

g) we were not meant to be

h) I’m just known as your fourth


Please choose the statement that best describes our relationship:

a) not what you were looking for.

b) almost, but wasn’t it.

c) an experience you’re grateful for.

e) inadequate.


What could have been done better? (Mark all that apply.)

a) our last phone call

b) nothing at all

c) our last goodbye


If you were to do it all again, would you?

a) Yes

b) No


On a scale of 1–10, how much of us wasn’t true?

