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Mirror, Mirror: Why Your Reality Keeps Shape-Shifting
What you see depends on who you’re being
Ever notice how the entire world seems to transform based on your emotional state? When you’re soaring, the world shimmers with possibility — every stranger is a potential friend, every closed door hints at treasure behind it. But spiral down, and the world closes in like a fist — colors fade, music goes flat, and even victories taste like cardboard.
I capture this phenomenon in my upcoming novel Just Go For It through two contrasting scenes that take place just hours apart. My protagonist Hannah has spent most of her life feeling insecure and isolated. But after moving to a new town and finally making genuine connections, she feels a glimmer of optimism she’s never experienced before.
That spark of possibility transforms her entire world—including what she sees while trying on a dress: “The mirror becomes an Aladdin’s lamp, transforming the woman I see into my ideal.” For the first time in her life, she feels attractive—even beautiful.
But after a night of romantic disappointment, her entire reality warps:
“Holy shit, do I really look like that? My foundation’s clumped up in greasy blobs, mascara streaking down my cheeks, hair sticking out in all sorts of weird directions. How on…