Demystifying the Technicalities of Rendering Tokenized Generative Art

Guillaume Lauzier
Published in
5 min readJul 10, 2023
Demystifying the Technicalities of Rendering Tokenized Generative Art

Art and technology have been gradually intertwining over the years, culminating in the emergence of tokenized generative art. It’s a fascinating convergence of creativity and computer science, involving the use of algorithms for art creation and blockchain technology for tokenization and provenance tracking. This article aims to break down the complex technicalities behind rendering tokenized generative art.

1. An Overview of Tokenized Generative Art

Tokenized generative art involves the creation of unique digital artworks through an algorithm or code, and then representing these pieces as distinct, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on a blockchain, most commonly Ethereum. This novel approach allows artists to create a multitude of unique pieces, each represented by a distinct token with provable ownership and authenticity.

2. The Art of Generation: Programming and Libraries

Generative art is created through algorithms, essentially pieces of code that generate unique outputs based on certain parameters and randomness. Artists often use programming languages like Python or JavaScript and employ various libraries such as p5.js, Three.js, or TensorFlow.js to create visually diverse and intriguing pieces of artwork.

The element of randomness and the use of mathematical constructs often leads to aesthetically pleasing patterns and structures. The algorithm might incorporate randomness in the form of color, shape, positioning, or a host of other parameters, all while keeping within certain aesthetic bounds defined by the artist.

3. Tokenization: Solidity and Smart Contracts

Once the artwork has been generated, each piece is tokenized, typically on the Ethereum blockchain. Tokenization involves creating a unique digital token for each artwork, which is carried out through the deployment of a smart contract. Solidity, Ethereum’s programming language, is used to write this smart contract.

These contracts usually adhere to the ERC-721 standard for NFTs, which defines a minimal interface allowing for the management, ownership, and transfer of unique tokens. The contract includes functions for minting (creating) new tokens, and each minted token is associated with a specific piece of artwork.

4. IPFS and Metadata

The connection between the token and its corresponding artwork is established through the token’s metadata. This metadata typically includes details about the art piece and a URL pointing to the artwork file. To ensure the persistence of the artwork over time, the art files are usually stored on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a decentralized storage system. The IPFS hash of the file is then stored in the token’s metadata, creating an immutable link between the token and the artwork.

5. Rendering Tokenized Art: Interacting with the Blockchain

With the tokenization complete, the next step is to render or display the tokenized art. This involves developing a frontend application that can interact with the blockchain, read the metadata associated with each token, and display the artwork.

Web3.js or Ethers.js are commonly used libraries to facilitate interaction with the Ethereum blockchain. These allow the application to connect to a user’s Ethereum wallet, query the blockchain for the tokens owned by the user, and retrieve the token’s metadata. This metadata is then used to fetch and display the actual artwork from its storage location.

6. The Marketplace: Buying, Selling, and Trading

Once the artwork has been tokenized and rendered, it can be bought, sold, or traded on any marketplace that supports the ERC-721 standard, such as OpenSea or Rarible. Each transaction is recorded on the Ethereum blockchain, providing a transparent and immutable history of ownership.

7. Generating New Tokens for Each Art Variant

One of the fascinating aspects of generative art lies in its ability to generate countless unique variants of a base artwork. Each variant is typically defined by certain variables, which might include aspects like color, shape, size, pattern, or any other parameter defined in the generation algorithm. This ability to create multiple unique pieces lends itself naturally to the concept of tokenization, where each distinct piece of artwork can be represented by a unique token.

In the context of Ethereum and the ERC-721 standard, each unique piece of generative art (variant) can be associated with a distinct token. This involves extending the minting function within the smart contract. Here’s a simple example using Solidity:

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
import “@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol”;
contract MyNFT is ERC721 {

uint256 public tokenCounter = 0;
constructor() ERC721(“MyNFT”, “MNFT”) public {}
function mintArt(address to) public {

uint256 newArtTokenId = tokenCounter;

_mint(to, newArtTokenId);




In the example above, tokenCounter is used to ensure each new piece of art gets a unique token ID. The mintArt function creates a new token with a unique ID and assigns it to the given address. This function can be called each time a new variant of the artwork is created, thus tokenizing each unique piece of generative art.

It’s important to note that the metadata for each token would also need to be unique to represent the unique artwork it is associated with. The metadata could include details about the variables that define the variant, along with the URL of the artwork file.

Just as with the base artwork, each new variant could be stored on IPFS or another decentralized file storage system, and the URL of this stored file would be included in the metadata of the associated token. This allows each tokenized variant to be rendered individually, showcasing the unique features of each piece.

In this way, not only can the original, base artwork be tokenized and rendered, but every single unique variant generated by the algorithm can be given its own representation on the blockchain, complete with its own provenance and ownership record. This significantly extends the potential for interaction, trading, and appreciation of the unique aspects of each variant within the broader generative art piece.

In conclusion, while the technicalities of rendering tokenized generative art may initially appear complex, they essentially boil down to three main components: the generation of the art, the tokenization of the art, and the rendering of the tokenized art. By leveraging coding, blockchain, and decentralized storage, artists and developers are able to create, tokenize, and display unique pieces of digital artwork, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible at the intersection of art and technology.

