Submit Your Work to GeneratedArt Publications on Medium

Guillaume Lauzier
Published in
6 min readFeb 23, 2023
Submit Your Work to GeneratedArt Publications on Medium

Do you have a passion for generative art, AI art, creative coding, or generative design? Are you looking to share your insights, ideas, and stories with a wider audience? Submitting your Medium story to GeneratedArt publications can be a great way to get your work seen by people who share your interests. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to submit your Medium story to GeneratedArt publications and provide you with some tips to increase your chances of getting published. Whether you are a seasoned writer or a newcomer, we hope that this guide will help you get your work seen by the right audience.

Getting started with Medium

1. Create a Medium account: The first step is to create a Medium account if you haven’t already. You can go to and sign up with your Google or Facebook account or use your email address to create a new account.

2. Follow GeneratedArt publication: Once you have a Medium account, search for “GeneratedArt” in the search bar, and click on the GeneratedArt publication page. Then click on the “Follow” button to follow the publication.

3. Write your story: After you have followed GeneratedArt publication, you can start writing your story. Click on your profile picture, select “New Story”, and start writing your story.

4. Become a writer on GA: Before you can publish a story to GeneratedArt publications you must become a writer for GeneratedArt publications on, you may be required to leave a comment to be added as a writer.

5. Submit your story: Once you published your story, make sure to select “GeneratedArt” from the “Add to Publication” dropdown menu. Once you have added the story to the publication, click on the “Submit for Review” button.

6. Wait for approval: Your story will be sent to the GeneratedArt publication editors for review. If your story is approved, it will be published on the GeneratedArt publication page. If your story is not approved, you will receive feedback from the editors on how to improve your story.


1. Topics we accept:

General: Algorithmic art, Interactive installations, Artificial intelligence in art, Computational design, Code-generated music, Procedural animation, Dynamic systems, Data visualization, Emergence in art, Non-linear storytelling, Virtual and augmented reality experiences, Interactive generative art, Glitch art, Fractal art, Computer-generated poetry, Digital fabrication in art, Augmented creativity, Generative typography, Evolutionary art, Machine learning in art.

Learning technologies: Code editors and tools for creative coding, Programming languages (such as Processing, Python, JavaScript, etc.), Generative design software (such as Grasshopper, Houdini, or Dynamo), Image processing software (such as Photoshop or GIMP), 3D modeling software (such as Blender or Maya), Physical computing platforms (such as Arduino or Raspberry Pi), Motion graphics software (such as After Effects or Cinema 4D), Text editors (such as Sublime Text or Atom), Version control software (such as Git), Open-source libraries and frameworks (such as p5.js or OpenCV).

2. Introduction: Your work is all about making a lasting impression. The same goes for your writing, particularly the introduction of your Medium articles. We receive a lot of submissions that jump straight into the tips or the methodology, without giving any context. Instead, take your time to craft a compelling introduction that sets the stage for the rest of your article. Paint a vivid picture of a real-life example, drop us into the action, or come up with an attention-grabbing way to introduce us to your story, be it a shocking research finding or a little-known statistic. Remember, the introduction is your chance to capture the reader’s attention and entice them to keep reading.

3. Research: It’s important to do your research and provide evidence to support your arguments. We often receive submissions that make assertions without any authoritative sources or research to back them up. This is a common mistake that can weaken the impact of your writing. To avoid this, take the time to find reliable sources, including experiences of your work or published research or expert opinions, and include links to support the factual assertions in your writing. Even the most creative and innovative ideas need to be grounded in reality. By providing solid evidence, you’ll strengthen your arguments and make a more compelling case for your ideas.

4. Headlines: You know the importance of creating something that catches the eye and captures the imagination. The same is true for your writing. The headline of your Medium article is your chance to grab the reader’s attention and entice them to read more. While we can help you refine your headline, it’s important to consider what makes a good one. Take a look at the stories that immediately draw you in — do their headlines sound like clickbait-y advertisements? Or do they provide thoughtful, high-quality propositions that leave you curious and wanting to learn more? As a generative artist, you have a unique perspective that can provide new insights into the world of generative art. Make sure your headline reflects this and entices readers to dive into your article. By mastering the headline, you’ll increase the chances of your writing being read and appreciated by a wider audience.

4. Without transplanting ideas: You know that the creative process is about finding new and innovative ways to express yourself. The same is true for your writing. We understand that you may need to rely on other publications to support your facts and arguments, and we encourage this. However, it’s important to avoid the temptation to transplant another writer’s ideas entirely into your own work.

5. The why: You know that your work is about creating something that engages, inspires, and challenges the viewer. The same is true for your writing. Before you start writing your Medium article, it’s important to consider why someone should take the time to read it. Will it add value to their lives? Will it entertain them? Could it change the way they think about generative art?

6. Avoid aggressive call-to-actions: It’s natural to be passionate about your work and your business. However, it’s important to avoid overly aggressive calls to action in your Medium articles. While it’s okay to talk about your business, it’s important not to turn off your audience with a hard sell. Instead, focus on creating content that provides value to your readers and encourages them to engage with you in a more organic way. By offering insights, techniques, and inspiration in your writing, you can establish yourself as an authority in the field of generative art, and your readers will be more likely to seek out your work and your business on their own.

7. Leave a comment to be added: If you aren’t a writer on GeneratedArt publications already, leave a comment to be added as writer before you can publish to GeneratedArt publications.

Generative art is a rapidly growing field that offers a unique blend of creativity, innovation, and technology. As an author, your work is a reflection of your unique perspective on the world around you, and your writing can provide valuable insights into your creative process and the challenges you face. By following these tips for writing Medium articles for GeneratedArt publications, you can create content that engages and inspires your readers, establishes you as a thought leader in the field of generative art, and builds your reputation as an expert in the industry. So, take the time to craft compelling introductions, do your research, master your headlines, find your own creative voice, and avoid overly aggressive calls to action. By doing so, you can create content that resonates with your audience and helps to push the boundaries of generative art even further.

