Dreaming Big

Jack Leung 🤓
Generation Entrepreneur
4 min readFeb 2, 2019

Announcing our high school incubator program for 2019.

Team Chatswood 2018

We are incredibly proud to announce our High School Incubator Program for 2019. We’re providing an opportunity for high school students from across NSW to take action on the problems they see in the community, and the wider world.

Our first incubator in 2018 was groundbreaking.

We worked with the top 10 student teams from across NSW, the same schools that you go to, helping them build business ideas that inspired and challenged us — the first of its kind in Australia. We were inspired by their determination, we were inspired by their ability to adapt, but most importantly, we were inspired by the fact that they didn’t give up.

And we’re back for 2019.

We believe that entrepreneurship can be a vehicle for social change.

We believe we can improve and address fundamental problems in our society if more students were engaged in these problems — that entrepreneurship is a type of student activism.

We especially believe that high school students should take a stand for what they believe in. Whether this be related to creating the next source of renewable energy, to changing the way e-commerce is experienced for consumers, to creating the next platform for students to express their thoughts.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

The truth is, the world is very malleable — if you believe something can be improved, and you go at it with maximum energy, drive and passion, the world will reconfigure itself around you much more quickly than you might believe.

This was the story of Generation Entrepreneur — an unlikely story from a group of high students who believed that they could help improve things.

We want to hear about the issues in your community, what do you care about? How do you want to improve it? Why does it matter to you?

We want to work with you to solve these problems.

Jenny, one of our mentors from Atlassian!

We’re betting big again:

  • A program for 5 months to teach you how to start a business.
  • $500 grant to help your team fund your initiative.
  • Expert mentors from Uber, CBA, Atlassian and many more.
  • Coworking space in the Sydney CBD throughout the whole program.
  • Final pitch evening at the end of the program, presenting to a room full of investors, mentors, industry partners and the community.

What we’re looking for

What we look for reflects our company values —

We want you to be audacious.

We want you to change the world.

We want you to do things that make you proud.

Initiate 48 — July 17

So if you’re an excited student, we want to hear from you.

1/ How well do you know the problem?

At the core of your business is your understanding of what you’re trying to address.

We want to see that you get the problem, why does it happen? what has contributed to this problem? What are the root causes of these problems aka. first principles? What specific area of the problem are you targeting?

Take a look at Elon Musk explaining this concept.


2/ How does your solution address the problem?

Your solution is what you’re trying to build with your team.

Does your solution actually solve the problem? How does your solution solve the problem? How are customers currently solving this problem? Who are you competitors?

You don’t need to have a final solution, but we’re testing the way you think, what do you think you could do to address the problem that you’ve identified?


3/ Why is your team the one we should support?

Your team is the backbone of your company, without people you trust, your company will struggle. We recommend teams of 2 – 4(doesn’t mean we won’t consider larger teams!

How is your team different from other students? Why are you the right people to execute, have you personally experienced the problem? Something I love asking is: why should I listen to this pitch from a high school student? How are you going to balance school and this program?


So, good luck — I personally look forward to seeing your applications 🚀

To learn more about the program, check out the program on Facebook. You have until March 3rd to get your team & idea ready.

If you have any more questions, feel free to reach me directly at jack.leung@generationentrepreneur.com.au — also remember to check out our website here and our facebook here.



Jack Leung 🤓
Generation Entrepreneur

Writing about the future… @genentrepreneur @jackleungau