Partnerships Experience

Generation Entrepreneur
Generation Entrepreneur
8 min readJun 5, 2018

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” — Helen Keller

If I had a dollar for every time I referred to an inspirational figure, I’d have a dollar too many. We talk about valuing our people and Generation Entrepreneur as an organisation does nothing but that. Any one of the Generation Entrepreneur family members will be able to tell you the amount of love that each member has for one another, but I’ll leave that illustration up to HR. Here, I want to draw your attention to an equally tremendous force. I want to draw your attention to our extended family - our Partners & Sponsors.

I’ll let you in on a secret. Those who attended our very first Initiate 48 hackathon will most likely remember that it was run at Blue Chilli. What you most likely don’t know is the fact that Blue Chilli was secured only hours out from the opening ceremony of Generation Entrepreneur’s Inaugural Initiate 48 hackathon. Time and time again, this organisation has owed much of its success to the incredible partners who take the time and make the effort to explore ways of making Generation Entrepreneur’s vision, mission and passion come to life. This segment is dedicated to them. Thank you from the bottom of our heart for your continued support, guidance and belief. Here’s to spreading the power of entrepreneurship to high school students across Australia and empowering them to change the world!

Here’s just a few amazing members of our extended family!

Generation Entrepreneur Partnerships Team

CBA Innovations

It’s funny how seemingly trivial decisions can lead to something so much greater than what you first expected. I did not know much about CBA Innovations and the awesome work that they do until the day I decided to gatecrash a lunchtime tour for CBA staff (don’t worry, I was interning there at the time!). Although my team had to leave early, I made it a point to come back and explore the place some more. I had the pleasure of meeting Paul, the Innovation Lab Coordinator and his passion for innovation, emerging tech and design is unmistakable. From our very interesting conversations about cryptocurrency to exploring the life-size dragon he created using the VR headset, I knew that Paul and CBA Innovations would further enlighten the Generation Entrepreneur community. Since then, we’ve hosted 2 talk & tour events (led by Paul) for the winners from our events. Needless to say, all of us learnt so much from these unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.

CBA Innovations Tour 2018
CBA Innovations Tour 2018

Tank Stream Labs

Unity, resilience and camaraderie. Those are the protruding features which define great teamwork and those are the exact features fostered within our incredibly treasured co-working space partner — Tank Stream Labs (TSL). From hosting exclusive workshops for our Initiate 48 prize winners to offering invaluable connections to the more than 100 innovative start-ups that live and breed within the space, Tank Stream Labs has been nothing but brilliant, cordial and transparent in every single aspect of their operation! Thank you Jennifer, Iris and Bradley! Here’s to inspiring the entrepreneurs of today into the leaders of tomorrow!

Tank Stream Labs Startup Boot Camp 2017
Tank Stream Labs Boot Camp 2018


The Partnerships team first approached UNSW Business School in 2016 only 2 years after Generation Entrepreneur was first started. It’s hard to believe that two ambitious and determined first-year students had the guts to approach such an established institution. Well, they did and they managed to secure the funding required to run four more Initiate 48 events throughout 2016 as well as build out the Generation Entrepreneur core team. We are so grateful for the Business School’s unwavering belief in what we do and for their continual support in all of our initiatives.

City of Sydney

In the same year, Generation Entrepreneur applied for the City of Sydney Knowledge Exchange Grant. It was through this grant we met Victoria Moxey, who is incredibly passionate about building up the startup ecosystem in Australia. With the support of City of Sydney we were able to broaden our impact in the innovation ecosystem. Our October Initiate 48 hackathon and the very popular (and very cute!) Kids Business Workshop was run in partnership with Spark Festival. We are still working closely with Victoria and the City of Sydney team to make this year even better than the last! So thank you for being such a big part of this amazing journey.


Millions of small businesses use Freelancer to turn their ideas into reality. Alec Smith, Head of Talent, showed us exactly what that meant at our most recent tour of Freelancer. The winners and runners up of our 2018 Challenger Inter-School Event were introduced to the global crowdsourcing marketplace, drawing insight from the success and failure of an increasingly global presence. We were also incredibly fortunate to have Cheryl Mack, CEO of StartCon, share her personal journey and how she was able to blossom and grow StartCon to the enormous presence that it has in the start-up ecosystem today with Matt Barrie’s, CEO of Freelancer, unconditional support and belief. It’s the generosity and selflessness of influential figures within the start-up field, in giving more than they take, that make our role as the Partnerships team so rewarding and humbling.

Esmond & Marina(Co-Head of Partnerships)

Meet the Team

None of this would have been possible without our amazing team. As the Co-Heads of Partnerships, Esmond and I are so proud to see how we can achieve together as a team.

Let’s hear from our Partnerships officers — Apurva, Kevin and Tong about their experiences with Generation Entrepreneur so far.

Partnerships Team (L-R): Kevin, Apurva, Marina, Tong, Esmond


One of my friends who worked at Generation Entrepreneur introduced the company to me one rainy afternoon during the long stretch of nothingness after the HSC. The rest I say is history. What prompted me to join was the family, and now apart of it I can only say that I turn up to every meeting with a smile! A smile for the work we do, and the lives we reach.

I didn’t really know much about Generation Entrepreneur apart from the social revolution they were plotting. It was only when I joined I realised the full breadth of the events we organise and the thought that goes behind them. It is amazing to see like minded individuals all striving for the same goal, the same values, the same mission. Upon seeing the culmination of our team’s efforts with countless nights and days reaching out to mentors, and talking with potential partners with the Challenger Inter-school event I was breathless. Seeing the students with their ideas coming to life, and their enthusiasm and genuine belief in that they could change the world really put things into perspective. It made me realise something that was spoken by the UNSW Vice-Chancellor upon entering university; that each one of us has a social and moral responsibility to better the world. I hope that as we continue to work on new projects and initiatives we never lose touch of what we are.

Going forward, I can happily say I’ve been blessed with new friends and role-models who make me smile a little bit more each day!

Apurva and Kevin at Challenger 2018


I first heard about Generation Entrepreneur from my good friend Mathew. In the beginning I thought it was just a typical university society that’s identical to every other one on campus. Every time we hung out he would leave early saying “Sorry guys I have a Generation Entrepreneur meeting!”. His passion for the organisation got me extremely curious, and I asked him questions on what they were about, their mission and their why. I was sold instantly, took the leap of faith, and applied for the partnerships intern role despite fear of rejection. The reason I joined was to create an everlasting social impact on the lives of others, gain invaluable skills, and to learn more about entrepreneurship.

Being a part of the partnerships team is super rewarding as you can see all the hard work and time spent seeking mentors, obtaining prizes and applying for grants all come together at the workshops. Seeing these highly driven student entrepreneurs have their eyes light up as they learn, talk to mentors, and finally pitch with confidence makes it all worth it in the end. However, the most rewarding thing about partnerships is most definitely the family! Marina, Esmond, Tong and Apurva have been the most kind, warmest and welcoming bunch to hustle hard and spend time with. It was super surprising to see so many caring and yet altruistic people in one spot, dedicating countless hours and striving towards the same mission.

The most impactful lesson I’ve learnt so far as cliché as it may sound is that you shouldn’t let your fear of failing prevent you from doing something you want. If you want something, work hard and go get it!

CBA Innovation Lab Tour 2017 (L-R): Esmond, Marina & Tong


“I experienced a feeling of accomplishment no academic success, sporting triumph or written achievement could fulfil. I was doing something, and I was doing something refreshingly exhilarating.”

Such were the thoughts of a year twelve Tong walking out of my first of two Initiate 48 business hackathons in 2017. Year twelve. Academic pressure? Intense. Good fitness and a healthy well-rounded lifestyle? Challenged and compromised too often, too much.

The desire to make positive change? Unquenchable as ever.

I watched the faces of Generation Entrepreneur; I watched the hustle, I saw the drive, I felt the conviction. And through all that, I felt the joy in everyone’s eyes, the smiles of fulfilment as one successful event followed another. As hope, empowerment, renewed perspectives and positive change followed them everywhere.

It is an honour and pleasure to work in the Partnerships Team at Generation Entrepreneur. If I was given the privilege of experiencing something so fulfilling, why stop there? Day in and night out, our team hustles relentlessly to broaden our horizons and increase our impacts, leading to wonderful partnerships with influential sponsors and mentors. These incredible souls and their wholehearted support is what makes our vision possible, and it is only with their help that we’re able to empower the youths of today to explore their passions, follow their hearts and find their why — to foster the youths of today into the change-makers of tomorrow.

The stream of ideas? Relentless. But too often, these seeds are deprived of their fertile soil. So take that idea, even if it’s the briefest train of thought, and take it anywhere. Find your inner conviction, and the tracks will build themselves.

Generation Entrepreneur is a non-for-profit that hopes to empower the next generation to change the world. Check us out here or our Facebook page here:

