A Short & Sweet Overdue Letter to GenG Rookies

Generation Girl
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2019
The amazing Web Dev English class from Summer Club 2019

GenG or Generation Girl (no, not the k-pop band Girl’s Generation) are passionate people helping the young girls learn about tech. Here is my letter to all the girls in GenG and future girls joining GenG summer/winter clubs.

To all the rookies in GenG,

1. Just ask!

As an introvert child, I often had questions in my mind I didn’t ask. To be honest, I still don’t ask sometimes as a 23 year old adult. To all the introverted gals and guys, don’t be afraid to ask questions because as a teacher, one of my insecurities/fears was not knowing the answer to a question one of you asked. Basically, teachers can be just as nervous about your question as you are nervous asking them. We do not know everything about tech so don’t be surprised if we say I don’t know BUT I’ll ask google and let you know.

2. Start getting to know your neighbours from day 1

Worried that the girls don’t make friends. Coming into the first day, almost everyone was a shy and I did most of the talking. By day two, the some girls started talking to each other while others kept to themselves. Third day onwards, they were pretty much all friendly with one another, even with the adults. Get to your classmates sooner rather than later because you’ll eventually be friends anyway if you’re spending 5 hours a day for a whole week (or more) together.

3. Remember us!

Lately, I’ve been trying to think about what I naturally gravitated to without social pressure? It might be too early for you girls to think about this but if you signed up for the summer/winter camp at your own will, then keep this experience, your projects, your friendships, your ideas and your mentors in a safe place. Adults won’t bite if you reach out in the future, your projects and ideas may have the potential to become the next big thing and your friends could be your future co-ceo of co-founders of the next big thing though. Though in the meantime, your friends are who you make you feel comfortable, have crazy fun with, slow conversations with and who you find when you’re in a new place with a bunch of new people (aka college or work).

Lastly, summer school is not taken into account in your report card or your GPA, so chillax and be a crazy creative kid. One step at a time.

Take care and see you soon,

Hannah Banana

So thankful for the Generation Girl team for a wonderful experience and for bringing excitement to Indonesia’s young community!

