As told by our Rookies: Tokopedia HQ Tour

Generation Girl
Generation Girl
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2019

We asked one of our Rookies Jocelyn to write about her experience touring the Tokopedia office. Read on for her story!

Green. That was the first thing that came to mind when we were about to enter the Tokopedia Tower. Instead, we were greeted with a marble-decorated lobby and funny-looking fish embossed on the walls. A woman then came up to us and introduced herself as Jennifer, and she was going to be the one showing us around the building. All of us were highly anticipating this tour, since many have said that Tokopedia is not just any office.

Jennifer (far right on the back row,) Jocelyn (second from the right, second row,) her fellow Rookies, and Andy, Generation Girl’s Volunteer, posing with Toped, Tokopedia’s Mascot.

All of us were highly anticipating this tour, since many have said that Tokopedia is not just any office.

We went up the 60-story building, into the 52nd floor. Now, my vision of what the Tokopedia Office is really like is proven to be true. Green seats, green walls, and green pillows; along with a vast view of the suburban mid-day Jakarta through the glass windows of the floor. We were then directed to the even more open area of the floor, the company’s dining area. Here, there was an even greater open space, more tables and sofas sprawled over the area.

Pstt… behind these windows are where Tokopedia employees works!
Lunch at Tokopedia’s Dining Area

While eating, we were able to properly take in the magnificent view of Jakarta, with the sun shining brightly above us, and with us so high up, the cars below looked like shining marbles (if that’s an okay way to put it).

The employees looked like they were genuinely enjoying their time working, since the space is so open and modern.

Next came the actual tour of the office, we went down to the 50th floor and Jennifer showed us around. The floor was comprised of different teams, ranging from creative to product developing. Something that goes unnoticeable is that every table has at least one iMac computer and on top of their green tables, also that they have synthetic tress sprouting in the middle of every table-groups. Meeting spaces were also open, and the employees looked like they were genuinely enjoying their time working, since the space is so open and modern.

Listening to the panelists voice their experience was incredibly inspiring.

After everyone had the tour, we entered the presentation hall where there were green-cushioned seats set up as if we were in the theatre, there was going to be a #WayBackWednesday talk-show hosted by Generation Girl regarding women in tech. Listening to the panelists voice their experience was incredibly inspiring, seeing how gender is no longer a tall barrier for women to pursue their passions even in a male-dominated major. We ended the day with a group photo and a smile on all of our faces. Thank you Generation Girl and Tokopedia for this unforgettable experience.

Watch the short video below to find out more about our Winter Club Rookies’ visit to Tokopedia HQ!

If you’re a girl, currently studying in High School (Grade 9 to 11) you’re invited to join our next Summer Club, 17 June — 26 July in WeWork Menara Astra, Jakarta. Register now: See you!



Generation Girl
Generation Girl

NPO based in Jakarta, Indonesia that aims to introduce STEM to the next female generation.