Consider these tips when choosing your dream university! 😉

Nur Fauziyya
Generation Girl
Published in
4 min readOct 23, 2022
Thank you Unsplash for the photo! 💜

Someone who had recently graduated from a vocational school recently asked me:

“Which is better: a language major or a computer major?”

Because I spent six years in the Faculty of Letters and two years working in different tech companies, I eventually said, “Take a computer major while taking English courses.”

To be honest, studying Literature in Indonesia is not the same as studying it in a university abroad. It’s too complicated to explain why. But to put it simply, what I learnt in university was translation and English. 90% of my university time was spent learning how to use language rather than studying pure literature.

Therefore, I advised my friend to pursue a career in information technology. If we are serious about living in the current world driven by technology, we can acquire English language skills by enrolling in a reputable program like English Today from Mr. D.

If you are in the same boat, still figuring out your way around the world of lectures, it is important to examine a variety of things. In terms of choosing a university, I personally have no particular complaints. We cannot, in my opinion, claim that private institutions are inferior to public universities. Likewise, we must first conduct research on our preferred university.

You should also be aware of what is expected of graduates from the university of your choosing, particularly if you are a woman. Will your major support your identity as a woman who will give birth and care for your children in the future?

Everyone has unique educational needs and desires. You should be thankful that you can continue your education, and if you do, don’t pick the wrong institution because we can’t go back in time.

Assuming you have already made your ultimate decision and have a number of universities in mind. Here are some suggestions to help you decide which one is best for your situation. Choosing the best won’t be easy, but good luck!

  • Ask your parents first if they are paying for you

Have you ever heard the statement, “God’s willingness is based upon parents’ willingness”? So I ranked this as number one.

This is crucial because there are numerous instances of people who struggle to get into the university of their choice due to obstacles posed by parental approval. If you are set on a particular major, make sure you give your parents a thorough explanation so they can have faith in you and not worry.

  • Pay attention to where the campus is located

Are you prepared to spend some time away from your family? Are you robust enough to reside abroad? Can you sustain independent living?

You must decide whether it is preferable to stay home if you can’t afford to travel overseas or, if you’re still in a terrible situation, whether you must. Never forget that you must always make responsible decisions.

  • Think about the price of living

The issue of living expenses is important because you will be living there for nearly 4 years and because it affects your daily activities. Try to be economical, and if you are physically capable, consider doing an internship to supplement your income.

Regardless of the amount, learning to earn your own money indirectly prepares you to become an adult. You can save some of your money in the saving app rather than continue to graze on snacks here and there.

  • Study the university environment

Why is this crucial? Your surroundings will mold you. Just consider whether you would be a diligent person if you lived with lazy individuals.

Consequently, how can you locate the atmosphere you desire? The main thing is to ask people who are studying there and can give you an impression of the actual situation, whether they are your seniors, internet friends, or relatives.

You may ask on Google first to find similar stories of university life like what I have told above, and then you can ask people who study at your “dream university”.

  • Always keep in mind that your goals must be practical

It is best to look for a university with strong accreditation if you wish to continue at a higher level because it will be simpler later. It is easier to find information, especially if there are relatives you recognize.

Being realistic doesn’t mean blocking your dreams. If you wish to attend Oxford University, you must prepare well in advance in order to follow the international curriculum. Don’t be depressed if you end up attending your second-to-last choice of university; instead, focus on making the most of your opportunities!

  • Never just go along with your friends

If you don’t already have a dream, go find one! Don’t let other people’s dreams influence you.

In the end, we work for ourselves, not with our buddies. So, have you decided on a university? Please leave a comment if you are still puzzled or just want to share your thoughts with others đŸ«‚

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Nur Fauziyya
Generation Girl

Perubahan tidak bisa berjalan sendirian ♄Kartini // đŸ€