Generation Girl: Where Girls Like You Discover Cool Tech Stuff!

Nur Fauziyya
Generation Girl
Published in
5 min readFeb 9, 2024

Our bestie shares her journey with us. Read it today!


Remember feeling lost when everyone talks about science, coding, and robots? Yeah, it happens to most of us!

But what if learning about this stuff could be fun and exciting? That’s exactly what Generation Girl is all about ❤️

Meet Clarice, one of the many girls who support us. She’s been with us for years, learning lots of cool tech stuff and even helping others get started by sharing her journey like this one 😉 Let’s find out her story!

Hello there! I am Clarice Harijanto, but you can call me Clarice!

I am currently in 12th grade at Homeschooling Pena Surabaya, focusing on Natural Sciences. I recently had the opportunity to work part-time as a social media manager and strategist.

In 2021, I learnt about Generation Girls’ STEM Programs through Instagram!

I’ve already participated in five programs of Generation Girl, taking classes ranging from data science to project management! I’m currently not enrolling in any classes, but these are the classes I’ve enrolled in!

🚀Generation Girl’s Winter Club 2021 (Mobile App Development)

The project I built was a Birthday Card Maker Android App that’s barely working hahaha.. I coded on Android Studio for this one, but forgot what exact programming language was used (Java probably (?)).

🚀Generation Girl’s Summer Club 2022 (Game Design)

I made the viral Flappy Bird Clone with Unity using C#.

🚀Generation Girl’s Summer Club 2023 (Data Science)

Enhancing Life Expectancy was the final project. It is a Data-Driven Predictive and Prescriptive Model. This one’s available on my LinkedIn page, feel free to check it out! Me and my team analyzed the data with the help of Jupyter Notebook, Python, and some of Python’s available data science library.

🚀Generation Girl’s Summer Club 2023 (UI/UX)

With my team we collaborated to create ServeSparks, designed with Figma for the UI/UX. So exciting! ➮Link to the project

“ServeSparks adalah aplikasi yang bertugas menghubungkan Organisasi dan Volunteers kepada ‘jodoh’ yang tepat. Sembari menunggu join organisasi kalian bisa belajar materi bermanfaat yang kami sediakan, baca pengalaman orang lain dan menceritakan pengalamanmu sendiri.”

🚀Generation Girl’s Winter Club 2023 (Project Management)

For PM, I developed NexTask which is a productivity app concept. I learned how to fill in a Product Requirement Document (PRD) & create an engaging presentation to pitch. ➮Link to the project

I’ve always had an interest in STEM courses, but what ultimately motivated me to sign up were:

</> The ability to examine things in a very short amount of time

</> The concept of learning alongside and cooperating with like-minded others.

</> Learning from reliable mentors with extensive knowledge in their respective industries.

Likewise, STEM programs taught me a lot! The list would be too big if I were to describe each one individually hehe! I have learned a variety of abilities, including coding and creating with specific software or tools, as well as soft skills such as active listening, leadership, public speaking, and team cooperation.

Generation Girl has improved a lot in its STEM classes since I first joined! It’s really apparent that Generation Girl have listened & applied the feedback given by the rookies! These are some of the problems I’ve encountered & how they were resolved!

👾Mobile App Development Class

I’m going to be completely transparent with you. During my first club, I had a really hard time keeping up with the material & finishing my final project. We were using Android Studio at the time, and my laptop was having a little bit of trouble handling the heat haha. But thankfully after daily office hours with my mentors, I managed to pull something together for the final project! It was a birthday card app — not the best app to say the least, in terms of well, every aspect — but I was happy I actually managed to finish the program successfully! All thanks to Generation Girls, my mentors & my fellow rookies who were still supportive & encouraging during my presentation and feedback session, despite my admittedly horrible app! 😂

👾Data Science Class

Oh boy, this one was a ride.. My team and I would sleep up late throughout the data science project session. Debugging, writing code, coming up with ways to put it into our presentation, consulting with mentors who were really kind & made loads of time for us during this whole process. We spent a lot of time but it was worth it, because we learned a whole lot & won the best technical project certificate awarded by our super cool mentors!

👾Project Management Class

I had such a lovely team experience during this club! But we did face hurdles during the presentation day. In the morning, on the final day, we decided it was best to review our slides one last time with our mentors! Turns out, there were quite many revisions that needed to be done! But thankfully, our team was really motivated & worked together well. Also our mentors were really supportive & gave us practical advice as well as emotional support hehehe.

I love my team. I love my crew!

Community Writers, also our beloved Rookies, revealed amazing stories from our classrooms we’ve never thought of. We love their experiences, good and bad, and have learned so much! Thanks Clarice for sharing your valuable experience💕Alright, be sure to check out more insightful articles from Generation Girl by clicking the box below, GenGs! 👇

