I Build My First Website in Spring Club Explorer!

Nur Fauziyya
Generation Girl
Published in
5 min readMay 28, 2023
Spring Club Explorer 2023 by Generation Girl is a FREE coding bootcamp for young learners in Indonesia.
Spring Club Explorer 2023 by Generation Girl

Hi, I’m Mita! I work for myself, occasionally as a freelancer, in e-commerce. I received my economics degree from Pertamina University. I’ve had the chance to work in the data and statistics industry since college. I feel inspired to learn more about the realm of data, including things like data analysis. I frequently engage in various activities and groups because I enjoy learning new things and developing my abilities. This helps me feel more secure in choosing the area I want to pursue.

Last January, I attended Generation Girl’s Open House. Spring Club Explorer is my first Generation Girl’s Holiday Club. I signed up for the Spring Club and wished to broaden my knowledge and utilize my free time. Furthermore, learning how to create a website will unquestionably be helpful for any type of business, and I’m really interested in doing so.

I gained knowledge of website construction using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript at the Spring Club Explorer. I created a Final Project presented at the end of the bootcamp. Besides, my bootcamp friends taught me a lot about how to create original and cool websites.

Spring Club Explorer is incredibly interactive and fun! In addition to making new friends, we had mentors who helped us learn how to create websites. We can share thoughts and perspectives from our diverse backgrounds. The difficulty I had was that I was studying this subject for the first time, so I made a concerted effort to catch up with it before trying to teach myself via practice to make it simpler to comprehend and be able to apply it.

🌸DAY 1 — 13 March 2023

  • Introduce HTML, CSS, and JS; the participants, also known as Rookies, begin learning from the first fundamental information that has been learned on Thinkific.
  • Practice writing simple HTML by using replit/firewalled replit to create headlines and paragraphs (as seen in the photo).
  • A tip! HTML code does not need to be memorized, we can also get this information from the website (https://www.w3schools.com/tags/).

🌸DAY 2 — 14 March 2023

  • Reread the material from yesterday to keep in mind what was covered.
  • Learn how to upload images to websites using tools like Unsplash or by importing them from a laptop database, simply just copying and pasting the image address into the html.
  • The photo/image border and the format for entering a title or description can then be customized in style.css.
  • In order for each Rookie to add food images to descriptions that correspond to their personal favorite foods, we practice “Favorite Comfort Food” on this day.
  • Having a good time till the end! The final session (for almost every day) involves a game-like quiz with the Rookies.

🌸DAY 3 — 15 March 2023

  • Recall the information from yesterday.
  • Practice for CSS Styling I and II is today’s topic!
  • Rookies are expected to be able to comprehend the output code produced by the HTML and CSS they studied yesterday.
  • We learn how to make a layout of writing and images interesting to look at.

🌸DAY 4 — 16 March 2023

  • Review yesterday’s material.
  • Finally! Learn JS/JavaScript!
  • Next, try JS FE (Frontend). I use steps like changing the background of the page.
  • The second practice of JS is to calculate weight and height on the website.
  • Rookies begin discussing the Final Project with the mentor on Days 4 and 5 of the bootcamp course.

🌸DAY 5 — 17 Maret 2023

  • D-Day for Final Project Presentation!

The mentor and other Rookies provide feedback regarding all website projects presented. From the materials and steps I had previously learnt in class, I produced a straightforward project. With the abilities I already have, I learn and request time from my mentor to help and direct whether my project is appropriate and up to par. I basically describe my background, interests, and top travel destinations to my very first website! (Here’s the link of my final project: https://replit.com/@NajmitaRiadiana/Final-Project-Najmita-R-2023)

Here are some websites made by my fellow Rookies!

  • From the finished projects, we can all learn from one another about how to create websites more appealing.

The outcomes given by the other contestants caught me completely off guard; they were incredibly original and creative. Despite the fact that some students do have IT backgrounds, it forces me to discover how they can create in a unique way — even though that was not covered in the previous session.

I’ve been pleased with this event thus far. Next time, maybe, an offline Holiday Club can be hosted by visiting to various locations that are pertinent to the theme. Consider a company visit to a new business. The knowledge of several professions that are currently having a significant impact in the technological era seems like it would also be interesting to add to the experience of Rookies. I hope to see you all at the upcoming Holiday Club!

Thanks for reading an amazing story from our Rookie Najmita Riadiana! 💕 Be sure to check out more insightful articles from Generation Girl by clicking the box below 👇

