My experience joining ElectivesxGoAcademy classes with Gojek’s Product Engineers!

Jessi Febria
Generation Girl
Published in
4 min readMar 6, 2021

Hello, all! I’d like to share my experience in this article, and … it’s my first time writing a Medium article, so please bear with me 😆

A little flashback, I graduated from high school in 2018, and randomly chose Informatics Engineering as my major in college (even when I didn’t know what CPU is, SSD 😂). Many of my friends were surprised by the major I chose, because they said “IT is full of boys, it’s just not for you”.

Well, at first I didn’t think IT was really full of boys. Until I entered my first class, and yes there were only 2 girls out of 40 people in the class 😥 I’m not the type of person who can easily be close with the boys (my baperan heart can’t stand it 🤣).

I wish there were more girls in IT, so myself don’t try to naturally compete with boys because ( I don’t like they’re thinking “Look, she’s girl and she can’t stand with IT” )😭

Somehow at one time, while I was scrolling through my timeline, I look information about ElectivesxGo Academy class. The class is held only for girls! This class is a collaboration between Generation Girl and GoAcademy. I am very happy because, this is only for girls (my dream since long time ago) .. and the coaches are Gojek’s Product Engineer!

I participated in Ruby Intermediate Class & Advanced Class from ElectivesxGoAcademy. The class was really fun, we were guided from the scratch! The coaches always make good preparations for class. They really taught us, all outside their working hours 😭

So here I would like to note the 5 important points I got from taking this class! Lets goo :

1. Be confident, it’s okay to start small! 🙌

I learned more in this class is to “Confident, it’s okay, start small!”.

Before I joined this class, I didn’t know anything about Ruby. I started learning Ruby 1 day before the submission deadline to join the Intermediate Class.

So when I came in … of course there are a lot of things about Ruby that I don’t know. At first I didn’t feel confident, but all the coaches and the atmosphere in this class is really good !! So, I started getting confident, asking silly questions. I realized that it’s okay to start small, it’s okay if you don’t know anything about it. Because why? You will learn it! You don’t have to start big to get big! 😋

2. Take the challenge, do extra miles! ❤

All coaches always encourage us to take on challenges. They are very open to discussion, and they’re okay if we ask questions outside of class. Because of that, I pushed myself to take on the challenge to myself because I thought this was the right time! I have coaches who are open to discussion & they are experienced!. So I challenged myself to use AWS S3 to manage images in my application (this is my first time using a web service) 😆😆 The final project at intermediate level is about creating food & order management website using Ruby Sinatra.

3. Code isn’t just about solving problems, it’s more about making them beautiful! 😜

In Advanced Class, I learned more about clean code, refactoring, SOLID principles and design patterns. Usually my mindset when solving a problem is “How do I make this work?”. But after joining Advanced Class, I learned that code isn’t just about solving problems, but more about making them beautiful! Beautiful in this section means someone will be happy to read your code, will be happy to take care of your code, and more!

4. Cynefin Framework to help you solve problems! ✨

There are also motivational sessions in this class. I remember one of the coaches telling us about the Cynefin Framework. Cynefin Framework is a framework to help you solve problems by categorizing them and realizing that you don’t have to know all the causes of an effect, because they are just categories of problems!

5. There are lots of women too on Tech! 💖

This class is only for girls and I realized that there are also a lot of women in Tech, and some of the coaches are also women. I realized that women also impressive in the Tech industry, in this case at a big Tech company like Gojek !!

Can’t say anything but my biggest thanks to all the ElectivesxGoAcademy team! A big shout out to Generation Girl and GoAcademy team for making this possible for us (women in Tech) !! ❤💖



Jessi Febria
Generation Girl

Life is too short to do small things! 💖 Passionate about Technology -- SWCU IT'18