Technology isn’t scary! 🤗 Level up your Tech skills with Generation Girl!

Nur Fauziyya
Generation Girl
Published in
5 min readMay 24, 2024
Modern learning platforms are awesome because they allow anyone to explore the exciting world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). But wouldn’t it be even cooler if everyone had a fair shot at this amazing education, no matter their background? -Amel

Back in 2022, a senior at school introduced me to Generation Girl’s Winter Club program. It was perfect timing: I was on vacation and eager to learn more about web programming, which was a big part of my IT class. I was curious to pick up new skills and explore a potential career path in tech, so I signed right up.

With Generation Girl, you can learn STEM anytime anywhere you want! My first Winter Club was like a spark that ignited my passion for web development.

I built a travel website called Travelsss, and guess what? They picked it as one of the best projects!✨ This recognition was a huge confidence booster and made me even more determined to keep learning.

The next year, I was back for another round of Winter Club fun. This time, I challenged myself by building a personal website. The program offered a super supportive environment where I could learn from experienced instructors and connect with other tech enthusiasts. Winter Club wasn’t just educational, it was also a blast!

Hi everyone! My name is Amelia, but most people call me Amel. I’m an 11th grader totally hooked on software engineering. During the holidays, I was looking for ways to stay sharp and learn new things. That’s when I stumbled upon Generation Girl’s (GenG) awesome STEM programs, and let me tell you, they did not disappoint!

I’m super proud of the websites I built during the GenG programs, and I’m always looking for ways to improve them.

My web development classes in high school were a great foundation, but GenG’s STEM programs helped me take it to the next level. I got to dive deeper into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and now I have a much stronger understanding of how they work together to bring websites to life.

The programs also introduced me to essential tools like Replit and Visual Studio Code. These are industry standards that professionals use every day, and learning them gave me a real advantage.

Front End is Fun!✨

I decided to take the Front End classes in both Winter Club programs because they fueled my passion to delve deeper into the world of web development. The Front End is the cool storefront of a website — it’s what users see and interact with.

By understanding the Front End, I can create websites that are visually appealing and user-friendly, the kind that grab people’s attention and keep them clicking. It’s like an exciting gateway into the world of web development, and I can’t wait to explore its potential!

Showcase Time! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✨

Travelsss: Your All-in-One Trip Planner

For my first GenG Winter Club ’22 project, I built a website called Travelsss. This website helps tourists and visitors plan their dream vacations with ease! Travelsss empowers travelers to plan their vacations efficiently and explore new destinations with confidence. Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I created a user-friendly platform that allows users to:

  • Explore Destinations: Find the perfect getaway spot to match their interests.
  • Book Accommodations: Secure comfortable and budget-friendly hotels for their stay.
  • Discover Delicious Eats: Uncover hidden culinary gems and popular restaurants in the area.
  • Plan Activities: Unearth exciting things to do and create unforgettable experiences.

My Personal Website

For my second GenG Winter Club ’23 project, I was thrilled to create a personal website using Node JS. This website serves as a digital portfolio, showcasing my skills, experience, and projects. It features:

  • Skills & Expertise: Highlights my key areas of knowledge and technical abilities.
  • Project Showcase: Displays the web development projects I’ve completed, including Travelsss!
  • Educational Background: Provides details about my academic journey.
  • Social Media Links: Connect visitors with my social media profiles for further interaction.

This website allows me to present myself professionally and connect with potential collaborators or future employers. It was an amazing project to build, and I’m proud of the skills I developed during the process!

Inspiring Tech Bootcamp with Aspiring Women in Tech: Winter Club!

The final showcase for Winter Club was like stepping into a digital art exhibition — bursting with personality and raw talent of my fellow participants.

It was clear how much enthusiasm and effort everyone put into their work. It was so heartwarming to see how many participants, regardless of their prior web development experience, were willing to step outside their comfort zones and learn something new! ✨

What impressed me most was the diversity in website design. Everyone embraced the challenge of creating a personal website and brought their creative vision to life through their color choices and layouts. It was a great reminder that there’s no single “right” way to build a website, and that personal touches can make all the difference.

Overall, Generation Girl’s programs feel like a launching pad for my future in technology. I’m excited to dive deeper, develop my skills, and become part of this inspiring community! 💕

Thanks for reading Amel’s inspiring story! 🤗

Let’s be a Rookie like her, join Summer Club!


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