Ways to be a productive student

Nur Fauziyya
Generation Girl
Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2022
Being a successful student has never been easy. You can be better by maintaining productivity. You’ve got this!
All of us can be productive! (see the cool pic)

To be a good student, being productive is key🗝️

In simple terms, being productive means that we can use our time efficiently allowing us to get more things done and have personal growth during the process. Productivity includes doing homework, exercise, and other useful activities. But in reality, we are often too lazy to move.

Laziness arises from various things. It could be from physical issues, which results in feeling less energetic, but it could also be related to mental health such as stress.

Building commitment and changing your habits to become a productive person is never easy. We need persistence on that to increase our achievement.

Let’s identify habits that can make you productive, starting from realizing these simple things.

Focus on priorities

Make your mind as focused as an arrow. Focus on priority, focus on main goal!
Make your mind as focused as an arrow!

Studying hard is a student’s top priority.

We know that everyone is tired of zoom classes, but starting your day is always useful, even if it’s not on weekdays. You can prepare yourself to start the day full of enthusiasm. It may sound trivial, but this habit can be very effective to get used to other positive things.

If necessary, write down your learning targets according to your abilities, whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly. You can also include a list of important tasks to do first. By having a goal, you can control activities and make time for hobbies like exercising, watching Netflix, and more.

Besides, phones can be an ultimate distraction, especially when notifications pop up encouraging you to catch up with the current trends by simply scrolling the social media feeds. Focus on doing what matters first and reward yourself with some “screen time” afterwards.

Unlike the older generations, it’s so easy for us nowadays to search for resources and opportunities, thanks to the internet 🤝. It’s a shame if we cannot make the most of it, so use this privilege to be more productive 😊

Choose the right circle of friends

Stay supportive, stay productive❤️

Getting to know others can be a lot of fun. Interacting with friends can release all complaints during learning and become beautiful memories in school.

However, choosing the right friends greatly affects our future. If you want to excel, it’s better to be surrounded by supportive friends who are able to motivate you to reach your goals.

Accompanied by such a productive circle of friends, of course, you will always be motivated to learn better. Find friends who always support you and who can be relied on in learning. In this way, your relationship will become even closer and achievements can be pursued simultaneously.

Maintain self-discipline and keep learning

We all know learning is hard and indeed a continuous journey. Keep holding on and stay productive!
Just like learning, maintaining productivity is a long journey.

Studies show that activities that require high concentration, such as prolonged study, can cause a decrease in body condition. For that, you must discipline yourself to study on a schedule and know when to rest.

By taking a short pause, you can significantly refresh your brain. You can use the Pomodoro technique so that your body doesn’t work continuously without stopping. By forcing the body can actually reduce productivity.

Being productive means we are responsible. We can consistently achieve goals, meet deadlines, keep promises, and be committed when working with others. All of these are the most important basic things that are definitely used at work.

If they experience problems, such as laziness, productive people are able to find out the root cause and are willing to change to become a better person. A good environment does have an important role in supporting productivity, but it all comes back to self-motivation as a great fundamental to become productive.

Now that you know all these, nothing stops you from being productive anymore. Good luck!😊

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