Winter Club 2019 At a Glance

Rizky Faramita
Generation Girl
Published in
4 min readJan 12, 2020

Couple weeks ago, I joined Winter Club Web & App Design intermediate class as a co-mentor. There are three main reasons why I joined; first is because my final project buddy (Alivia Parahita) invited me to register, second is because I miss doing the UI/UX design which I believe one of my hobbies, third is because I remember back then in university I kinda feel less confident compared to my male friends. So I hope by teaching this part of female future generation, I can increase not only their skills but also their confidence.

The winter club ran for 5 days. I pick the 2nd week (23–28 Dec). Altough it’s already holiday, all rookies were still excited to participate throughout the program: from the introduction to the final presentation (very proud of the rookies!!). Below are highlights of each day of the winter club.

Day 1

There are 8 rookies from pretty diverse background and age groups, 3 mentors (Astrid Coenrad, you are a mentor too! :D), and 2 cool volunteers who help preparing the class and tools needed everyday (thank you so much Selya & Farih!!). In the first day, we talked about the introduction for web & app design and a little bit about responsive design. We also conducted kahoot quiz to make the class more engaging for the rookies.

Day 2

In day 2, we start to move from theory to a more practical stuff, which is building a prototype in Figma. But before jumping into designing, rookies did problem finding, how might we, user flow, and paper sketching first (somewhat a long journey but believe me they incredibly did the whole process:D). Also, not only we learn, we celebrate things as well. One of the rookies, Nabila, had her birthday and we gave a little surprise for her (kuddos for the coordinators that did this initiative!!)

Nabila’s Birthday Surprise

Oh, I almost forgot, we also had a session with Hannah Al Rasyid. She shared her experience as an actress and her knowledge as a UN SDG mover for Gender Equality. So lucky to meet her & be able asking questions directly.

Day 3

Rookies were divided into 4 groups for their final project, so each team consists of 2 rookies. They continued desigining the high-fidelity prototype and revising it as well, based on input given from mentors & volunteers. After lunch break, there was a workshop session from, gathering mentors and rookies from all classes. I was genuinely intrigued by the energy from these kids and how they believe in their ideas to solve problems.

The Winning Group

Day 4

As a mentor in day 4, we don’t really do many things but checking on the rookies final project progress. We also encourage rookies to do usability testing to another team to validate their design. Here are the smiles that say: “keep up the spirit, we’re almost there”.

From top left to bottom right (Mahra, Laras, Dije, Nadia, me, Astrid, Alivia)

Day 5

I’m glad to know that the rookies had successfully finish their project, but also sad on the other hand. They presented their prototype to the parents where parents also actively contributed to give feedback. Really, I feel just like I’m a teacher :D

Nabila & Hana — Tania & Ilma
Khalila & Tsabita — Rasya & Fira

Last thing I want to write in this post is that I cannot thank generation girl enough for giving me this opportunity. I’m beyond blessed to be part of winter club 2019. I hope even more success for the upcoming programs in 2020! Cheers.

