What Does It Really Take To Write A Book at 16?

Juan David Campolargo
Generation Optimism
3 min readJan 3, 2020


Juan David Campolargo with a supporter
Juan David Campolargo with a supporter.

Over the past year, writing a book about optimism has been quite challenging, but as you continue to read this book, you will realize how much I love challenges and adversity.

I knew I wanted to write about my story; a lot of people have expressed interest in who I am and what I do. At first, I thought about writing an autobiography, but I think it’s just too early and would be a project I’d want to pursue later in my life.

Then I realized how optimistic I’ve been throughout my life, even as my generation is so pessimistic. And that’s when the book journey began. I researched many topics related to optimism, generational theory, positive thinking, and other interesting research. In addition to the research, I had the opportunity to interview fascinating individuals such as Mark Cuban. If I was optimistic before this process, I can now say I’m a thousand percent more optimistic after writing this book. The amount of hours, rejections, effort, calls, and energy I’ve put into this book had made more resilient and, of course, optimistic.

Want to Change the World and Have an Impact?

The number one reason to be optimistic is that this mindset will be the only way to solve the problems looming on the horizon. Living at the best time in history also requires us to become the best humans in history, and to achieve that feat, we have to become more positive and optimistic about the future.

As Mark Twain said, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes.”

I humbly believe we need to teach people, especially younger generations, how to be optimistic. To thrive, you need to learn the oldest skills and the newest principles. Optimism is a skill and as with any other skill, like coding or public speaking, it can be learned.

In this book:

  1. You’ll learn from my story.
  2. You’ll gain more perspective.
  3. You’ll also learn by using the process “BEST.”

This book is my journey to understanding why I feel so happy and optimistic when, in reality, I have every excuse and reason to be pessimistic like most people. Through optimism, I’ve been able to accomplish things I would’ve never thought possible, such as writing this book.

In the next articles, you will learn how and why we are living in the best time ever, as well as the psychology to further explain why you might be thinking we’re living in this dark and evil world. But this book will not be about what has already happened. We will learn from history to create the next generation of doers and dreamers.

From the book Generation Optimism by Juan David Campolargo Copyright © 2019 by Juan David Campolargo. Published by New Degree Press.

In this article series, I share excerpts and stories from my book, Generation Optimism. I hope you enjoyed this post — if you enjoyed it and want to connect with me on social media: Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

You can also find my book on Amazon — here is the link to buy it: [HERE]

Note: I wrote the book when I was 16.



Juan David Campolargo
Generation Optimism

I do and share “stuff” that makes people more optimistic, ambitious, and curious. Learn more about me and read more (https://www.juandavidcampolargo.com/)