Why don’t we just delete history?

Manami Nakagawa
Generation Z
Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2019

Some may click this article with anger. I may know what they want to say. I have heard many comments every time when I say this.

“To move forward, we have to know what happened in the past. ”

Also, “You are foolish. You don’t know how important history is.”

If you think so, please calm down. Or, turn back. I hope you would read.

By the way, I love neutrinos. I want to be like neutrinos, which are neutral particles. However, because I am human, I will forever be biased in some sense.

I had believed that someday, I would be able to understand why people were angry with me when I said this. But, no. I couldn’t.

Why couldn’t I ?

Because of history, we often have conflicts. History makes us biased.

First of all, I want you to know why I came to think this.

Today, I had a conversation in TOEFL speaking class.

In the class my teacher asked, “What do you think is the food that best represents Japan?” . “I think it is sushi,” I answered.

“Do you know that sushi comes from Korea? Most Japanese think that the birthplace of sushi is Japan. But that isn’t true. ”


I do not want to discuss here where Sushi came from. I really don’t want to. This is because I did not live when the sushi was born. I’m not familiar with the history of sushi.There are many stories on this topic. Actually, I believe the story that the current sushi that we eat today was born in Japan, and also the story that the Japanese have spread sushi across the globe.

The way I see it, you can believe whatever you like.

However, you shouldn’t tell the story to others as true facts.

In this case, I didn’t say “fish and chips” or “hamburger”. Now, sushi is synonymous with Japan. However, there are various stories about its beginnings. Why did she talk about the past that she did not live in. Did she need to say this? Why did I find so many articles when I ask Google about this ?

Did you see the first man who mixed rice and vinegar, and put a piece of fresh fish on it? Who Knows !?

The difference of perspectives about this topic have not killed people.

It is not a big issue.

But, even a trivial issue like sushi, it has many perspectives. Even if it ia a trivial issue, it has had least power to make me write this article.

Believing stories as true has the power to kill people. We know the wars that have happened recently.

What is HISTORY ?

History is the path that humans have come…or is it?

History is not facts , just a story.

It is what the writer believed when he or she wrote something.

The textbook should be begin with “according to someone’s story~”.

Why we are told someone’s stories in classes as if it is a fact?

Why do we have to remember someone’s stories?

Don’t you feel strange about it?

Today, a lot of people warn us not to believe fake news. How can we say that history is not included fake news?

What is fake news? When they have no evidence? is evidence? Do you have any certain evidence about things that happened before when you were born?

Surely, scientific evidence can’t be changed. However, the evidence’s records can be changed.

You can believe whatever you like as just stories. But, don’t think of them as pure facts, if you did not watch anything directly.

When we learn and talk about “history ”, we should make our attitude like “Hi ! Story!”

If you cannot, let’s delete HISTORY. Let’s not take it too seriously.

Then, we can be like neutrinos. Don’t hurt anybody. (This theory is my opinion)

Thank you for reading this article as my own story.


