Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? ChatGPT’s Gateway to a New Reality

Yi Zhou
Generative AI Revolution
9 min readNov 27, 2023


In the realm of science fiction, the idea of living within a computer simulation has long captivated imaginations. But today, this concept, known as the Simulation Hypothesis, is not just the stuff of novels and movies — it’s a topic of serious discussion in academic and technological circles. It posits a reality that may be akin to an advanced computer program, a digital mirage indistinguishable from the world we know.

The rise of Generative AI models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT has thrust this idea into new, uncharted territories. At the heart of this journey lies the Universal Simulation Pattern (USP), a concept masterfully detailed in the book “Prompt Design Patterns: Mastering the Art and Science of Prompt Engineering”. This innovative idea seamlessly blends the creative art of prompt engineering with the technical prowess of Generative AI. It’s not just about creating simulations; it’s about breathing life into them, infusing roles, personas, and scenarios with a depth and realism previously unimaginable. ChatGPT is at the forefront of this revolution, moving beyond mere conversational mimicry to fully embodying characters and simulating complex situations. This leap in technology gives us a window into how future AI might evolve, growing in complexity and nuance.

Let’s delve into this fascinating journey:

  1. Simulating Realistic Interactions: ChatGPT’s forte lies in its uncanny ability to mimic human conversations. It can play the role of customer service agents, therapeutic counselors, or simply a friend to chat with. This level of interaction is not just impressive; it’s a preview of how AI might continue to evolve, becoming ever more sophisticated and indistinguishable from human intelligence.
  2. Fostering Creative Simulations: The capabilities of ChatGPT extend into the creative sphere. It can weave stories, compose music, and even create art, all from user prompts. This is more than replication; it’s innovation. AI is showing us that it can be a source of new, original artistic expression.
  3. Processing Complex Information: At its core, ChatGPT is a powerhouse in analyzing vast data sets, recognizing patterns, and offering insights in a conversational format. This makes it an indispensable tool in research and strategic planning. Imagine simulating expert-level discussions or distilling complex data into understandable insights — this is where ChatGPT excels.

This brings us to a profound question: If we can simulate aspects of human intelligence and interaction so convincingly, is it possible that our entire reality is itself a simulation? The idea of simulating entire universes or realities not only challenges our perception of what’s real but also opens new doors in understanding consciousness and the intersection of humans and machines.

Case Study: Simulating Expert Discussions

David Van Buren’s groundbreaking research at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of California Institute of Technology stands as a testament to the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT in simulating expert-level discourse. His studies reveal that when equipped with carefully crafted prompts, LLMs can not only mirror but also deeply embody the expertise encapsulated in their vast training datasets. A striking example of this is their ability to simulate a dialogue between historical physicists on intricate scientific subjects, even extending to generating Python code for visualizing complex scientific phenomena.

This case study underscores the remarkable potential of AI as a cognitive tool, aiding in diverse intellectual endeavors. The true power of this technology lies in its scalability. The primary constraint we face is not in the AI’s capacity but in our resourcefulness to harness the full spectrum of possibilities these models can generate. Van Buren’s work opens a window into a future where the limits of AI are bound only by our imagination and ingenuity in applying these advanced tools.

Harnessing the Universal Simulation Pattern in AI Simulations

Definition: The Universal Simulation Pattern (USP) is a structured method that guides AI models to simulate any specific role, persona, process, or imagined scenario, thereby enhancing precision, consistency, and engagement of their responses.

In the dynamic and ever-progressing realm of artificial intelligence, the Universal Simulation Pattern (USP), as elucidated in the book “Prompt Design Patterns”, has become an essential framework for conducting sophisticated simulations. This groundbreaking approach, especially when integrated with advanced AI models like ChatGPT, enables the exploration of a wide array of scenarios and perspectives with remarkable depth. The USP facilitates simulations that can be broadly classified into three categories: Role-Based, Persona-Based, and Scenario-Based. Each category uniquely utilizes AI to take on specific roles, adopt individual personas, or adeptly maneuver through complex scenarios. By meticulously crafting prompts aligned with the USP framework, users can guide AI to generate responses that are not just informative but also contextually rich and highly engaging. Let’s delve deeper into the nuances of each of these simulation types:

  1. Role-Based Simulation: This involves guiding AI to take on a specific professional role, responding with the expertise and mindset typical of that role. Prompts define the role’s duties and skills. Example Prompt — Celebrity Chef: “You are a world-renowned celebrity chef. Help me plan a three-course meal for a dinner party using seasonal ingredients, considering dietary restrictions and flavor profiles.”
  2. Persona-Based Simulation: Here, AI adopts the personality of a real or fictional individual. Prompts include background and personality traits to ensure responses reflect the chosen persona. Example Prompt — Sherlock Holmes: “ChatGPT, assume the persona of Sherlock Holmes. Analyze the clues from a fictional mystery story and provide your deductions on who the culprit might be.”
  3. Scenario-Based Simulation: AI simulates a dialogue or interaction between multiple roles or personas, considering their diverse perspectives and expertise. Example Prompt — Historical Debate: “Simulate a debate between Leonardo da Vinci and Thomas Edison on the future of innovation, considering their historical backgrounds and inventive minds.”

The realm of AI simulations also includes advanced techniques like “multi-persona prompting”, where AI embodies several personas at once, and “mega-personas”, which involve adopting an extensive array of roles for in-depth discussions. These methods require careful crafting to maintain coherence and prevent information overload.

  1. Single Persona Prompt Example: Celebrity Personal Trainer: “As a famous personal trainer, provide a comprehensive fitness plan tailored for a busy professional, including workouts, diet tips, and lifestyle advice.”
  2. Multi-Persona Prompt Example: Film Critic Panel: “Simulate a panel of film critics discussing the cultural impact of ‘The Godfather’ movie, each bringing a unique perspective based on their cinematic expertise.”
  3. Mega-Persona Prompt Example: Legal Collective: “As a collective of 100 lawyers with varied expertise, analyze the legal aspects of deploying autonomous vehicles in urban areas, incorporating multiple legal perspectives and challenges.”

Real-World Applications of the Universal Simulation Pattern

The Universal Simulation Pattern (USP) offers transformative possibilities across various sectors. By creating rich, multifaceted simulations, the USP enables users to experience and engage with complex scenarios. Let’s examine some illustrative applications:

  1. Crisis Management Training: In fields like emergency response, the USP brings to life a realistic simulation of a natural disaster scenario. Imagine an earthquake striking a bustling city. The AI, utilizing multiple personas like a fire chief, police officer, and medical team leader, provides real-time, role-specific updates. Trainees interact with these AI personas to make critical decisions, honing their skills in resource management and coordination, vital for actual crisis situations. Example Prompt: “Simulate a coordinated response to an earthquake in a metropolitan area, with distinct updates from the fire department, police, and medical emergency services, each providing their perspective on the situation.”
  2. Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: For medical education, the USP enables simulations involving patient personas and diverse medical specialists. Medical students can practice diagnosis and treatment planning in a realistic setting, engaging with AI-generated patients and specialists, such as cardiologists and neurologists. This approach provides an invaluable experience in patient care and interdisciplinary communication. Example Prompt: “Create a simulation where a patient describes symptoms of a complex condition, and various medical specialists (cardiologist, neurologist) offer their differential diagnoses based on the information provided.”
  3. Business Strategy and Market Analysis: In the business world, the USP can simulate a dynamic market environment. It uses personas representing consumers, competitors, and industry analysts, allowing companies to test strategies and gauge simulated market responses. This application aids in refining business strategies by providing insights into consumer behavior and competitive dynamics. Example Prompt: “Simulate a market for a new tech product, incorporating consumer reactions, competitor strategies, and analyst insights to understand market trends.”
  4. Historical Reenactment for Education: For educational purposes, the USP can recreate historical settings, such as the Roman Empire. Students can interact with personas like Julius Caesar, Cicero, and everyday Roman citizens. This immersive learning experience provides a multifaceted view of history, bringing to life the politics, society, and daily experiences of different eras. Example Prompt: “Reenact a day in the Roman Senate with personas of Julius Caesar, Cicero, and other senators discussing political strategies, complemented by views from Roman citizens and soldiers to provide a holistic view of the society.”

The most sophisticated AI simulations aren’t limited to the Universal Simulation Pattern (USP) alone. When combined with innovative prompt design patterns such as the Tree of Thoughts (ToT) and Self-Consistency, as detailed in the “Prompt Design Patterns” book, the USP can achieve unprecedented levels of realism and complexity.

Consider a scenario where the question is whether a company should return to in-office work or continue with remote operations. The simulation employs the ToT Pattern, facilitating a nuanced and iterative discussion among a panel of three world-class experts. Each expert systematically unfolds their reasoning, integrating feedback from others, and refining their thoughts in response to new insights. The simulation progresses through an iterative dialogue, with each step captured in a markdown table format, culminating in a well-rounded conclusion.

Example Prompt: “Envision a panel of three leading experts using the Tree of Thoughts approach to collaboratively tackle the question: ‘Should Your Company Go Back to The Office Or Stay Remote?’ Each expert will articulate their thought process in detail, considering the inputs and feedback from the others. They will identify and correct any inaccuracies, continuously evolving and building upon the group’s collective insights. The conversation will advance iteratively, with each step documented in a markdown table, leading to a comprehensive and well-considered conclusion.”

Embracing the Future with Advanced AI Simulations

We stand at the threshold of a new era, where advanced AI technologies like ChatGPT are redefining the boundaries between our physical existence and digital simulations. This revolution in simulated realities signifies more than technological advancement; it heralds a paradigm shift in how we interact with and understand the very fabric of reality. AI’s proficiency in mimicking complex human behaviors and scenarios invites us to reexamine our perception of reality and to consider the potential of virtual worlds in enhancing, or even replacing, facets of our everyday lives.

Furthermore, AI like ChatGPT is expanding the horizons of human creativity, enabling us to venture into scenarios that were once confined by the limitations of the real world. Whether it’s breathing life into historical events or speculating about future possibilities, the expansive power of simulation unlocks new realms of creativity and insight.

However, this exhilarating exploration of simulated realities is not without its ethical and philosophical dilemmas. As simulations grow increasingly indistinguishable from real-life experiences, we are confronted with profound questions about the nature of consciousness, the authenticity of experiences, and the ethical considerations of crafting AI that mirrors human intelligence and emotions.

As we navigate this uncharted territory, it is imperative to interact with these technologies conscientiously, embracing a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation. “The Future Is Now” is more than a recognition of our technological advancements; it is a call to action, urging us to be proactive participants in steering the course of AI and simulation technologies. We are not merely spectators in this evolution; we are pivotal contributors in shaping a future where the distinction between reality and simulation becomes ever more intertwined.

For those eager to explore the depths of the Universal Simulation Pattern and the other 22 patterns that are sculpting the future of prompt engineering and AI simulations, “Prompt Design Patterns: Mastering the Art and Science of Prompt Engineering” offers an essential exploration. This book is not just an instructional guide — it is a portal to the future of AI, revealing its vast and transformative possibilities.

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References and Further Reading

1. Zhou, Yi. “Prompt Design Patterns: Mastering the Art and Science of Prompt Engineering.” ArgoLong Publishing, 2023.

2. Bostrom, Nick. “Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?” Philosophical Quarterly (2003), Vol. 53, №211, pp. 243–255.

3. Bostrom, Nick. “Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies.” Oxford University Press, 2014.

4. Vopson, Melvin. “The mass-energy-information equivalence principle.” AIP Advances 9, 095206, 2019.

5. Van Buren, David. “Guided scenarios with simulated expert personae: a remarkable strategy to perform cognitive work.” arXiv:2306.03104, 2023.

6. Virk, Rizwan. “The Simulation Hypothesis: An MIT Computer Scientist Shows Why AI, Quantum Physics and Eastern Mystics All Agree We Are In a Video Game.” Bayview Books, 2019.

7. Chalmers, David J. “Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy.” W. W. Norton & Company, 2022.

8. Seth, Anil. “Being You: A New Science of Consciousness.” Dutton, 2021.



Yi Zhou
Generative AI Revolution

Award-Winning CTO & CIO, AI Thought Leader, Voting Member of MITA AI Committee, Author of AI books, articles, and standards.