Max Levko
Generative world
Published in
10 min readJan 20, 2024


Prompting guide for best Stable Diffusion image generation

Hey, tech enthusiasts! Today, let’s chat about stable diffusion, the latest buzz in the realm of AI and creative visuals. Picture this: a tool that can conjure up images from thin air, just by typing in a description. It’s like having a digital genie at your fingertips! But the real magic happens when you master the art of prompting. It’s not just about what you ask; it’s how you ask it. Getting top-notch results from stable diffusion is all about finessing those prompts. So, let’s dive in and learn how to get the AI to whip up some visual sorcery!

Let’s start from simple prompt “Christmas elf”

The Heart of the Matter: Subject Detailing

Alright, let’s talk subject detailing. Imagine you’re telling a story, and your main character is kinda blurry. No one’s going to get hooked, right? The same goes for stable diffusion. If you’re vague about your subject, the AI’s going to be all over the place. But if you get specific — like, ‘a Christmas elf with a jetpack, zooming through Times Square’ specific — you’re setting yourself up for an epic visual. So, sprinkle in those details like you’re seasoning a gourmet dish. Just enough to tantalize the senses and bring your image to life.

Prompt Example: “A Christmas elf with a jetpack, zooming through Times Square, neon lights reflecting off his goggles, mid-flight action captured.”

Choosing Your Canvas: Medium Matters

Moving on to the canvas of your masterpiece — the medium. It’s the difference between a watercolor wash and a digital pixel punch. Your choice of medium tells the AI what texture and vibe to channel. Want a cozy, hand-drawn feel? Or maybe a slick, 3D-rendered look? Specify it in your prompt, and watch the AI adapt. And remember, folks, the medium sets the stage for your subject, so choose one that complements your vision.

Prompt Example: “A Christmas elf crafting toys, depicted in a warm, soft pastel drawing, with a focus on the texture of the wood and the fabric of the elf’s clothes.”

Styling It Up: Artistic Flair

Now, let’s jazz it up with some style! The style is the mood lighting of your image. It can take you from a sunny pop art piece to a shadowy gothic scene with just a few words. Whether you’re after hyperrealism or a dark fantasy vibe, your style keywords are your paintbrushes. Use them to set the tone and watch your AI-generated art align with your inner vision.

Prompt Example: “A Christmas elf caught in a moment of dark fantasy, his shadow sprawling ominously over the snow, as he plots the next move in the elf rebellion.”

The Influence of Art Platforms

Ever noticed how each art platform has its own flavor? Mentioning Artstation or Deviant Art in your prompt is like dropping a hint to the AI about the kind of crowd you’re mingling with. It’s a nudge towards the styles and trends that dominate these platforms. So if you’re looking for that polished, professional sheen or the quirky, indie touch, let the platform be your guide.

Prompt Example: “A Christmas elf in a post-apocalyptic world, with a concept art style typical of Artstation, carrying a satchel of salvaged toys.”

Resolution Revolution: Detailing Your Vision

Alright, let’s chat about resolution. When we’re talking about AI-generated images, resolution isn’t just about the number of pixels. It’s about how sharp and detailed your final image is. You want those Christmas elves to look like they could hop off the screen, right? Well, you’ve gotta tell the AI to crank up the details. Use phrases like “highly detailed” or “sharp focus” to get that crisp, lifelike quality. It’s like you’re giving the AI a pair of glasses and telling it to focus on all those intricate patterns on the elf’s outfit or the twinkling lights on the Christmas tree.

Prompt Example: “A Christmas elf with a sharp focus, meticulously wrapping presents with highly detailed, vibrant wrapping paper, under the soft glow of fairy lights.”

Adding Context with Additional Details

Now, let’s sprinkle in some context. Think of additional details as the seasoning that brings out the flavor in a dish. They add depth and a sense of place or time to your image. Want to show a Christmas elf in an unexpected setting? Mention the background, the mood, the time of day, and any other thematic elements that can help paint the full picture. It’s like telling a story with just a single frame.

Prompt Example: “A Christmas elf in a bustling city, spreading holiday cheer, with a backdrop of skyscrapers adorned with festive lights, as snow gently falls in the evening glow.”

The Color Conundrum

Color is a powerful tool — it can set the mood, evoke emotions, and make your images pop. When you’re prompting AI, think about the color palette you want. Is it a traditional red and green Christmas scene, or are you going for something more offbeat, like neon blues and pinks? Use color keywords to guide the AI, but don’t go overboard. You want a harmonious blend, not a color clash.

Prompt Example: “A Christmas elf wearing an unconventional neon pink and blue outfit, surrounded by ultra-modern Christmas decor, under the cool hue of futuristic city lights.”

Let There Be Light: Lighting Logic

Lighting can make or break a scene. It’s all about how you want to showcase those elves. Soft, warm lighting can make a scene cozy and inviting, while harsh shadows can add a bit of drama. Use lighting keywords to tell the AI where the light is coming from, the intensity, and the effect you’re after. It’s like being the director of your own holiday movie.

Prompt Example: “A Christmas elf caught in a dramatic spotlight as it mischievously hides in the shadowy corners of a dimly lit, old library.”

Refining Your Masterpiece: Iterative Prompt Building

And finally, iterative prompt building is like sculpting. You start with a block of marble — that’s your basic prompt. Then, with each iteration, you chip away, refining and adding details until you’ve got a masterpiece. Start simple, then build up. Add details, tweak the lighting, adjust the colors, and keep iterating until those Christmas elves look exactly how you envisioned them in their quirky settings.

Prompt Example: “Start with ‘Christmas elf.’ Then add ‘sitting on a drone, delivering presents,’ followed by ‘cityscape at night, neon signs,’ and refine with ‘dynamic angles, high-energy scene.’”

Avoiding the Unwanted: Negative Prompting

Alright, let’s chat about keeping the riff-raff out of our AI art, shall we? Negative prompting is like the bouncer of the AI art world — it tells the AI what not to include in the masterpiece you’re cooking up. This technique is super handy when you want to keep certain elements from crashing the party in your image. Say, you’re not a fan of modern tech cluttering up your medieval scene, or you want to avoid those pesky anachronisms — negative prompts to the rescue!

Now, here’s the deal: use negative prompts sparingly and smartly. You don’t want to go overboard and confuse the AI with a laundry list of don’ts. Keep it relevant to the vibe you’re aiming for, and you’ll be golden.

Prompt Example: “A Christmas elf cheerfully decorating a traditional gingerbread house in a snowy landscape -no modern technology, -no cars, -no electronics, ensuring a timeless festive scene.”

Weighting Your Words: Keyword Importance

Moving on to the art of emphasis — keyword weighting. Think of it like seasoning your food. Some flavors you want to pop, and others to be subtle background notes. By tweaking the importance of certain keywords, you’re telling the AI, “Hey, focus on this bit more than the rest.” It’s a balancing act, and getting it just right can make all the difference.

Now, how do you do this? Simple: use a numerical value to turn the volume up or down on specific elements. Want those Christmas elves to be the stars of the show? Crank up their weight in the prompt.

Prompt Example: “A bustling Christmas elf workshop, (elves:2.0), filled with toys and candy canes, (clutter:0.5), capturing the essence of the holiday spirit.”

The Magic of Blending: Keyword and Celebrity Mashups

Ever wanted to mix and match different concepts or famous faces? Keyword and celebrity mashups are where it’s at! It’s like a DJ mixing tracks to create a whole new vibe. You can blend different themes or even celeb features to craft something truly unique. The trick is to find the right balance so that the AI doesn’t get its wires crossed.

This technique is perfect for creating consistent characters across a series or just for fun. Want to see what a Christmas elf would look like with the suave of George Clooney? Mash ’em up!

Prompt Example: “A portrait of a Christmas elf with the charm of George Clooney, (elf:1.0, George Clooney:0.5), in a whimsical winter setting.”

Limiting the Guesswork: Reducing Variation

And finally, let’s talk about reigning in that AI creativity — reducing variation. Sometimes you’ve got a crystal-clear image in your noggin, and you want the AI to nail it, not go off-script. By giving detailed prompts, you’re essentially drawing a map for the AI to follow. The more specific you are, the less room there is for the AI to improvise.

So, if you want a Christmas elf doing something very specific, like knitting a tiny sweater for a reindeer, spell it out in your prompt. The AI will thank you for the clarity.

Prompt Example: “A focused Christmas elf knitting a red and green sweater for a reindeer, detailed: (tiny sweater:1.5, reindeer:1.0), in a cozy, dimly lit workshop.”

The Association Game: Influencing AI with Attributes

Alright, let’s dive into the association game, folks. When you’re crafting prompts for AI art, the words you choose can bring along a whole suitcase of associated attributes. It’s like when you say “pirate,” and the AI also thinks “parrot” and “eye patch,” you know? This can be super handy when you want to flesh out a scene without listing every single detail. But watch out for stereotypes or common associations that might not fit your vision. It’s all about being mindful of the training data and steering clear of clichés.

Prompt Example: “A Christmas elf, in traditional garb, unexpectedly directing traffic in New York City, with the chaos and order juxtaposed.”

Celebrity and Artist Associations: A Double-Edged Sword

Moving on to celebs and artists, name-dropping can be powerful in your prompts. Mentioning a famous person or artist can give the AI a nudge towards their style or typical poses. It’s like saying “Beyoncé” and getting those fierce stage vibes in your image. But this can also box you in if the AI leans too heavily on those associations. So, use those names wisely, and maybe mix it up with some unexpected elements to keep things fresh.

Prompt Example: “A Christmas elf styled like David Bowie, complete with Ziggy Stardust lightning bolt, performing a rock concert.”

Customizing Your Creations: The Role of Custom Models

Now, if you’re feeling fancy and want to get really specific with your style, custom models are your go-to. These are like having a tailored suit; they fit your prompt’s needs just right. Custom models can interpret your prompts in unique ways, giving you a distinct flavor that the standard models might not catch. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility — make sure you’re familiar with how these models tick.

Prompt Example: “A Christmas elf depicted in a custom anime model, surprising shoppers as a quirky shopkeeper in a Tokyo backstreet.”

Regional Prompting: Controlling Composition

Ever wanted to play director with your AI art? Regional prompting lets you do just that. You can assign specific prompts to different parts of your image, putting you in the driver’s seat for composition. Want a dramatic sky in the top third and a bustling elf workshop in the bottom? Just say the word. It’s like setting the stage for each part of your canvas to tell its own story.

Prompt Example: “A Christmas elf sneaking into a corporate boardroom, with the bottom half of the image showing a detailed map of Santa’s delivery routes.”

Conclusion: The Prompting Palette

And that’s a wrap, my tech-savvy friends! We’ve journeyed through the art of prompting AI, and now you’re equipped with a whole palette of techniques. From associations to custom models, you’ve got the tools to craft some truly epic AI art. Remember, the key is to experiment, iterate, and find your unique style. So, go ahead and mix these techniques to create something that’s all you.

Catch you on the next post, where we’ll continue to explore the fascinating world of tech and AI. Until then, keep innovating and stay curious!

