
Murtaza Tunio
Published in
Jan 30, 2024

Aarzi عارضی
Temporary, transitory, transient, short-lived, interim, provisional

The bright and colorful 1 dimensional sliver in the middle is your life
Everyone you’ve ever loved
Everything you have ever cared about
Everything you’ve built
All the happiness and sadness
All the achievement and failure
All of the good times and the bad times
Every pet you’ve had
Every song you’ve heard
Every thing you’ve touched, smelled, tasted, heard
Every single thing you’ve seen
Everything you have ever thought about
The day you were born
The day you died
Absolutely everything
Is completely encompassed in this sliver of time

The expanse before
And the expanse after
An oblivion before you were
And an oblivion after you, where you will be no longer

This is your life
And everyone else’s.

