Taxes versus Time

Aram Armstrong
Generativity Complex
5 min readOct 12, 2021


Making the Case for Transforming How ʻWe the Peopleʻ Contribute to Society.

Have you noticed how effectively those with considerable wealth are able to find loopholes in the tax system and thereby bypass contributions to a better society through a well-funded government?

Government without the means to pay competitive salaries will foster dysfunction, corruption, and cronyism in their ranks — in 21st Century the American Rich & Global Elite have successfully levied a War of Attrition on the United States government — county, state, and federal.

If you are wealthy in the United States, paying taxes is largely a voluntary activity and could be considered a contrarian activity among your peers. Indoctrinated in a capital-centered society where “money is power”, the more money you control, the better for you — funding an incompetent government would be stupid. And defunding a competent tax agency would be pretty clever.

So, those with the most capital tend effectively hide it from the office of taxation. And thus the prophecy is fulfilled — neglect begets incompetence, incompetence begets neglect. American institutions that serve the general interest of society are defunded and exist in perpetual decline.

A free market cares not for externalities nor collateral damage — economic, social, or environmental. Profits are the principle obligation of corporations, not seven generations principles of stewardship .

What can a society do to stop this…

