5 Reasons Not To Work From Home

Tamzin Grebot
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2018

Remote working and particularly working from home has become a very attractive prospect to entrepreneurs and working parents in recent years. With companies allowing employees to remote work and the increased number of solo-entrepreneurs working from home to save time and money, the remote lifestyle has its benefits but not all is perfect in paradise. Here are 5 reasons why your dream working location might not be all you thought it was going be.


The most obvious distraction while working at home is those around you. Trying to concentrate and give your attention to partners, kids, parents, in-laws, siblings. You name it they’ll be there and they aren’t going to be helping you get your work done. We all like to be surrounded and supported by people, its important however that you are with the right people to help you achieve your goals.

House Work

You’ll never realize how attractive house work looks until you’ve got work piling up. Telling yourself you’ll just spend 10 minutes on the ironing and then noticing its been 2 hours isn’t the productivity you need to succeed. You cannot fully detach yourself from house work while you are surrounded by it.

Lack Of Meeting Rooms

Impressing a client will take more than a tour of your spare room ‘office’, an old mug and a chat on the sofa. To keep professional you’ll need meeting room space and a business address, not a residential location.

Increased Work Load

Working from home means that you have no one around to liaise with clients visiting, order stationary and be a general office hand. Increasing your workload and applying more pressure on every day tasks will not add to your productivity and time spent working on project deadlines. Investing in a workspace out of the house will pay for itself with the extra time you won’t be spending on office admin duties.

Access To Equipment

Every house has Wifi now but not everyone has a printer that scans and collates documents, Skype booths to take private calls or people with the knowledge to help you grow. Think about what you and your business needs and if your home can provide those things. Getting out the house and finding a space with the correct facilities is bound to help your working day run smoothly.

Its not possible for everyone to stop working from home so if you do choose to work from home then try and ensure you follow a routine, plan your day and avoid unnecessary distractions.

