A Weeks Work Experience At The Generator Hub.

Tamzin Grebot
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2018

About you

Introduce yourself and what you’re currently doing

My name’s Sophie, i’m 15 and i go to Isca Academy. I’m taking Spanish, music and history as my GCSE options… if I had to pick now i’m not sure i’d choose the same, I picked them in year 8 and i just chose the subjects I had friends in. I’m not the biggest fan of school, it’s not the best environment for me to flourish in… but I know it’s important for me so i can move on in life and so i’ll struggle on for now!

Tell us a bit about what interests you and what you’d like to do in the future

I’m part of the sea cadet corps outside of school and I've learned more with them than I ever have in school, maybe i’ll join the navy someday. I enjoy writing, mostly fiction and poems really, I don’t think I would ever pursue it as a career though. I find psychology morbidly fascinating! The way you can look at someone’s actions and figure out their mind… well it just intrigues me. I hope to do psychology and law as some of my A level options. Oh and just as an extra — I love to walk my dog by the quayside, he’s a real grumpy guts but he’s so cute when he plays in the water.

About your week

Why did you choose a work experience placement at The Generator hub?

Honestly, I didn’t really choose it, it was a struggle to find a placement and somebody else recommended it to me. I’m so glad I followed through and got the placement though! The Generator is such a wonderful environment! Everyone here is so lovely and I've learned things that will be incredibly beneficial to me.

What have you enjoyed most about your week?

I’ve loved meeting and talking to interesting new people! It’s so cool to meet people you otherwise wouldn’t have spoken to in other aspects of life.

What have you least enjoyed about your week?

I think I least enjoyed having to buck up the courage to go get myself cups of tea, i’m stupidly anxious in social situations and i’m very good at overthinking everything! Silly I know, but I think i’m finally learning that nobody is actually going to judge how I put a tea bag in a cup or how I walk.

Would you like to work in this sort of environment again and why?

I never even knew this sort of environment existed until I came here! It’s a little gem of a place that I wish more people knew about because it’s wonderful! Of course I would work in an environment like this again- I love it!

Do you feel like you have learned anything new from your week here?

Yes definitely. I was clueless about computers and design before I came here, I've learned so much about how to promote a business and how to promote myself to make myself more employable going forward. It’s been an incredibly helpful experience for me.

Can you show us what you’ve been up to?

Sure! Click here for the blog I did on mental health and Co-working.

Also, here’s some posts and things I worked on- these are my favourites, i’m actually proud of these ones.

Instagram Post
Facebook Page Header

Just for fun

If you could have any superhero power what would it be and why?

The ability of time obviously! You could do anything! You could learn about the past and see the future, stop time and put people in weird positions for a laugh… y’know, the usual stuff.

What 3 albums would be your desert island discs and why?

I don’t really listen to albums, I have a very bizarre taste in music… my spotify playlist is filled with loads of random songs from all over! But i suppose if I had to pick three albums they would be

  • The Marshall Mathers LP2, Eminem
  • Cybersex, Blackbear
  • And an album with all the songs from grease on it because i’m a bit sad like that… I love the film Grease.

If you could be any celebrity for a day who would you be and why?

Oh Donald Trump for sure, I’d give all of his money to refugee charities whilst I was him… I’d save other people’s lives whilst ruining his in the process! I could have such a big impact on the world.

