Community Insider: Briony Davies

Tamzin Grebot
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2018

We have some amazing people working at The Generator and in this section we’ll chat to them and find out a little more about what they do.

Community Insider: Briony Davies

Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m Briony. If you’ve been down to the Quay office then you’ll have probably heard my voice on the intercom. I’m the one that picks up* and accidentally sings ‘helloooooooo!’ down the phone!

*picked up — explanation for past tense further down

Tell us a bit about what you do.

If you work in or have visited The Generator then you probably know of Mr Neil Finnie. Well — I work for his other company Corkscrew. We run programs and develop content designed to push people out of their comfort zones, challenge their professional development (+ career plans) and explore their creativity, complex problem solving and resilience. Within that I look after the marketing, communications and our amazing international community.

There is often a bit of confusion about where The Generator ends and Corkscrew begins. This is due to fact that they were launched at the same time, frequently work together [- if you have seen groups of students in the space or pitching business ideas then they are part of a Corkscrew Experienceship] and we share some team members — namely Liz, Neil and formerly, me :)

When I moved down here, the Quay office had only been open a few months and so was only at about 25% capacity. Neil and I therefore agreed that initially my time would split between Corkscrew and helped to manage and build the community in the new space. During my first year here, I witnessed the quay office really find its feet and attract more and more amazing, creative people. We eventually got to a stage where the community down here was too big for me to manage alongside my work with Corkscrew and so an ad was put out for a new team member to join The Generator — enter the amazing Tamzin!

Although a little weird to begin with (I really enjoyed my involvement with The Generator and I think a few people thought I was being grumpy because I wasn’t being as helpful anymore!) it has been a great decision and allowed me to focus 100% on my work with Corkscrew!

What events will you be attending this month (business or social)?

Probably a couple of music events — maybe The Stable Jam Night and Oddfellows Open Mic. I play guitar and sing but don’t take it too seriously and so these nights are perfect for me :)

My main goal at the moment is to be at the beach as many evenings and weekends at possible. When I moved down here people kept talking about the ‘Devon way of life’ and this summer I am determined to live it!

How long have you been a member of The Generator community?

I’ve been a member of the space since I moved down south in October 2016 so a year and a half now!

Why did you join The Generator?

It was kind of a non-negotiable part of the job offer from Neil ;)

What is your favourite part of The Generator?

  1. I get the culture and buzz of a big office environment with none of the hierarchy or office politics
  2. I am constantly learning from the people around me
  3. You’ll never be a stranger here for more than a minute

And just for fun..

If you could have any superhero power what would it be and why?

I would want to know what THE best thing to order on a menu is so that I never have to get food envy again

What 3 albums would be your desert island disks and why?

Asgeir | In The Silence — Guaranteed to chill me out

Stevie Wonder | The Definitive Collection — Guaranteed to want to make me dance and put a smile on my face

John Mayer | Any of the early albums — Guaranteed to never get bored of

If you could be any celebrity for a day who would you be and why?

Probably Michelle Obama just so I could see what it’s like to be that cool and wise

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