Community Insider: Simon Wilkins

Tamzin Grebot
Published in
4 min readApr 24, 2018

We have some amazing people working at The Generator and in this section we’ll chat to them and find out a little more about what they do.

Community Insider: Simon Wilkins

Tell us a little about yourself.

I retired at the end of 2007…but obviously couldn’t stay away from work for long! Before that, I’d been running a computer company based in Berkshire. The financial rewards were fantastic, but life was very stressful and it didn’t feel like my own.

When I retired my wife Jeanne, and I, moved to Exmoor, to enjoy life to the full, spend more time together, walk the dog, explore the countryside and the local hostelries. But retirement didn’t take. I found it depressing and I felt worthless not contributing to society. I tried charity work to fill the gap, but it just wasn’t the same. I missed the buzz of business life and the cut and thrust of a career.

Now we live just down the road from the Quay in Barnardo Road with Pippi our Labrador. We moved there in 2015 from our old farmhouse in North Devon. As much as we’d enjoyed our time in the country, we wanted the convenience of urban living again. Exeter is such a thriving city and a great place to run a business.

Outside of work I support Manchester United. It’s an affliction I’ve had since my father took me to Old Trafford when I was a boy. We lived in the North West at the time, before moving to Cornwall when I was 11. Now I visit St James Park to watch Exeter City, it’s not quite the same, but I’ve always supported my local team as well.

Tell us a bit about what you do.

I’m wearing two hats at the moment. I own and run QuayClick which is a marketing agency that focuses on helping businesses with their online discoverability. We’re a small team of 4, with a varied range of skills covering web, marketing, copy and social media. We also make use of freelancers to fill in where needed.

I’m also in charge of a construction company in Oxfordshire. It’s a small business, employing 15 people. The company works on period Cotswold property development and refurbishment.

So life is very busy at the moment, but the work is extremely rewarding and it’s great to be able to use my skills and knowledge positively again.

What events will you be attending this month (business or social)?

I’m taking two of my nephews to St James Park on 5 May. Exeter City are playing Colchester, it’s the last game of the season and as Exeter are vying for promotion the atmosphere should be great.

The week before is my father’s birthday, he’ll be 93! He’s quite frail these days and his memory is not what it was, but I feel so lucky to still have him around. He’s been such a big influence in my life, always pushing me and challenging my questionable decisions. But he’s always been there for me as well; to help pick up the pieces when things have gone wrong.

How long have you been a member of The Generator community?

I joined in summer 2016, soon after The Generator started at Quay House.

Why did you join The Generator?

It’s in a fantastic location, the quay setting is ideal, especially in the summer, plus it’s very close to home. The monthly contract is very flexible which suited us and being such a small team we felt that our own office would be isolating.

What is your favourite part of The Generator?

The people here are fantastic and so supportive. We’ve made friends, got business contacts and had a great deal of fun while being able to grow our business. Friday evenings during the summer are of particular note, good beer, great company and lots of banter.

And just for fun..

If you could have any superhero power what would it be and why?

The ability to fly. No traffic jams, no queues at the airport. Go where you want when you want.

What 3 albums would be your desert island disks and why?

I thought it was individual tracks you took to the island? Luckily the Generator is more generous. I stream music these days so rarely listen to a whole album, more the thing I did when music was analogue.

A Kind of Blue — Mile Davis, Jazz at it’s best

Back in Black — AC/DC , a great band live, one I saw many times and particularly memorable headlining Monsters of Rock.

Crisis What Crisis — Supertramp, a well worn album that I listened to while studying at Uni. Eventually got to see them at The Albert Hall in 97, they recorded the show and made an album “It Was the Best of Times”.

If you could be any celebrity for a day who would you be and why?

Valentino Rossi a genius on two wheels. Mere mortals just can’t ride like him, we have to accept wobbling around the circuit and hoping we can keep out of his way.

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