Community Insider: Tom McLaughlin

Tamzin Grebot
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2017

We have some amazing people working at The Generator and in this section we’ll chat to them and find out a little more about what they do.

Community Insider : Tom McLaughlin

Tell us a little about yourself.

Hello, I’m Tom McLaughlin. I live in Exeter with my wife, children and ridiculous dog.

How long have you been with us here at The Generator?

On and off for about 2 years. I heard there was free cake occasionally — that’s what swung it for me in the end.

Tell us a bit about what you do?

I’m a children’s author. I write and illustrate kids’ books for a number of publishers; Bloomsbury, Walker, Puffin and Oxford University Press to name but a few. You’ll normally find me in the corner with a cup of tea, staring out of the window doing the occasional scribble.

Why did you join The Generator?

I’ve spent years working at home, so when I was told about The Generator by fellow illustrator, Clare Elsom, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to try something new. It’s a great place to meet fellow creatives, as well as loads of other interesting people doing really interesting things.

What would you say your favourite part of The Generator is?

Did I mention the free cake?

If you were the last person on Earth, what would you do?

Well I think most of my day would be spent wondering why I alone was the sole survivor of the apocalypse, what little time I had after that would probably include rudimentary shelter building, then declaring the scorched earth formally known as Britain as ‘Tomland’ and fashionining a crown out of twigs.

Check Toms work out here

