Coworking Christmas: Its The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Tamzin Grebot


Christmas in a coworking environment can be daunting. For many freelancers, startups and the self employed getting a nice big chunk of paid annual leave isn’t on your agenda however working throughout the festive season will be. This doesn’t mean that you can’t join in with the festive activities taking place around you or that you have to miss out on those special Christmassy days.

The offices around you maybe gearing up for Christmas parties and the yearly secret santa whereas being part of a coworking community will reap its own benefits. Here’s a few ways you can inject some festivities into your coworking life.

Make use of your flexibility

It’s important over the Christmas period to take time out and with many coworkers having flexible working hours there’s really no excuse. You probably already avoid the rush hour traffic by altering your working hours a little each day so why not fit those not to miss activities in too? Avoid the crazy Christmas shopping by popping to the shops in the daytime while the kids are at school and keep your weekends free for carol concerts and ice skating.

The coworking Christmas party

Year after year the traditional office party is an event that no one is particularly keen to attend; drinking with your boss and being on your best behaviour. The coworking Christmas party is not one you’re going to want to miss however as it’s the opposite, celebrating the year with your friends, meeting new and old faces. Forget leaving early or working on a hangover, you are your own boss and you make the decisions.

Say yes to invitations

At Christmas time the parties are flowing and you don’t want to be missing out. If you’re a freelancer or start up you can use these events to strengthen your business connections or meet possible new clients. So even though a mulled wine and mince pie afternoon may not feel like work, getting together with people will benefit more than just your social life. Many coworking spaces will organize impromptu celebrations so remember to be flexible and even if you can only pop in for a few minutes it’s good to show your face and test out the Christmas goodies.

Don’t stress yourself

If you’re busy over Christmas then remember to manage your time, write lists and block out time in your day to complete different tasks. It can be easy to ignore the festive season and not bother with celebrating but it’s important to take some time out and celebrate the year, good or bad, you made it to the end.

Now there’s no reason to ignore or not enjoy your coworking Christmas, get your Santa hats out and grab a mince pie for its the most wonderful time of the year!

