How To Make 2018 The Year Of Your Small Business

Tamzin Grebot


It’s that time of year where everything starts fresh and you promise that this will be your year! Everyone’s talking about what great things have happened in 2017 and how they’ll continue into 2018. New years resolutions aren’t for everyone but they can be tailored to be realistic for you and your year ahead. Below are a few ideas to kick start your success in 2018.

Make specific business goals

Think about where you want to be and what is going to get you there. Use where you want to be as the base of your new years resolutions and plan backwards keeping your milestones specific to your goal. Rather than ‘upload more on social media’ try setting a resolution to ‘upload X amount of post to X social media per week by X date.’ This is a goal that can be measured weekly rather than at the end of the year which will encourage you to improve step by step.

Organise your days

Many people strive to be more organised and set themselves the task as their new years resolutions and now its time to apply this to all areas of your business not just your home life. Use the new year as an opportunity to refresh your working life. Organise your inbox and paperwork, remove anything that you don’t need for the year ahead and start with a fresh canvas.

Follow the path that will help your business grow.

Direct your online focus

If you aren’t already on social media, what have you been doing? Getting social will be the most important thing you do in 2018. If your business already has a social media presence then it maybe time for a new years clear out. Tidy up your accounts, and start to focus on those that add to your business. For example, If you aren’t getting any interaction on Instagram then it maybe time to inject your energy to Facebook and other social accounts that do get traction and are helping your business to grow.

Branch out

Its important to have change in a business environment, change promotes growth and trialling new things will help you to find out what benefits you and your business most. Maybe 2018 is the year your small business becomes part of a coworking community; benefiting from those around you, the opportunities and the flexible environment.

Celebrate the small victories

Staying focused and positive throughout the year is everyone's dream and no ones reality. It is important to concentrate on the progression and the journey of your business rather than the end goal. Concentrating on the end goal can demotivate you as it may seem very far away and hard to reach. Whereas setting mini milestones will give you a more realistic short term target and something to celebrate more regularly.

Take time out to be as happy as this coffee.

Enjoy yourself

It is important to work hard when running or working for a small business but looking after yourself is important too. Remember to take time out to enjoy yourself and grow as a person.

So those are my tips on small changes you could make to help your business grow in 2018. Let me know if you are planning to incorporate any of the above into your business plan or if you have any new years resolutions you’ll be trying to stick to this year.

New Years marks the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.

