How To Regram Posts On Instagram

Copy others posts and add them to your Instagram feed in 5 easy steps.

Tamzin Grebot
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2018


Although many social media predictions for the year include an inbuilt Instagram regram button, its not the case just yet. For us businesses that want to share relevant content you need to try a little harder, although, not much harder.

Before you start to regram pictures there’s a few things to keep in mind:

  • It’s nice to ask for permission, most people will be delighted that you want to regram as it widens their social reach but not everyone will be ok with it. A quick dm will sort this out!
  • Try not to edit images too much, cropping is fine but you don’t want to offend someone by changing their work too much.
  • Finally, always ensure that you give credit to the original user. A simple ‘Image credit — The Generator Hub’ will do.

There are a few ways to regram posts but I do it by using the app repost for instagram. The app ads a credit box with the users handle which I think is a really nice touch, it’s also free and super easy to use. Here’s a step by step guide to regram using the app.

Step 1

Copy the link of the post you love on Instagram by selecting the 3 dots.

Step 2

Go to the repost app and select the post you chose.

Step 3

Chose where you’d like the credit to be located on the image and in what colour.

Step 4

Click the ‘Repost’ button and ‘copy to Instagram’.

Step 5

Choose weather you’d like the image on your Instagram story or feed and post.

The steps to follow.

Top Tip: The app also allows you to copy the original caption and paste it alongside your regram.

If you’d like to check out how it looks on Instagram when you regram a post using these steps then visit The Generator Instagram below.

