How To Stay Active In Your Office Job

Tamzin Grebot


Finding the time to keep fit while working is hard but there are plenty of ways you can be more active in the workplace. Below are my favourite things to do throughout my work day.

Take the long way round. Make your daily commute worthwhile, if you drive to work then park a little further away from the office and walk or jog the rest. Always choose the long route, it’s a small step that’ll make a big difference. Taking a stroll will help you to wake up in the morning and give you time to unwind after a long day in the office.

Go for a lunchtime stroll. If you can’t work out before or after work then how about incorporating some exercise into your lunchtime. Although it may be a daunting prospect it’s easy to get active at lunch, a simple jog, a local gym or maybe even a lunchtime swim will give you a break from working and don’t worry, there will be time to eat too. Many offices have lunchtime groups that you could join so keep an eye out for them too. Here at The Generator we’ve started a weekly x-fit class that’s a great way to meet others and get fit during lunch.

Walk and Talk

Walk and talk. If you work in an office then you’ll probably spend most of your day sitting down, if you don’t need your computer then take a walk when you’re on a call. For most people keeping active makes you feel focused and helps you to stay alert. Walking is a simple exercise that you can incorporate into your working day in many ways. Try taking a stroll for your next meeting rather than using a meeting room, let your creative juices flow and change up your scenery.

Work out with colleagues. Motivating yourself is hard so why not work together to enjoy exercise as a group. Get your colleagues together for a weekly workout at the office or join together in your lunchtime to get active. Also hunt around for local classes or offers for local businesses that you maybe able to get involved with.

Exercise ball/standing desk. Long gone are the days of a boring old office chair, it’s time to switch your position up and try out an exercise ball. It may not feel like you’re working out but using your muscles to keep steady and doing the odd stretch really will make a difference.

Those are the ways I enjoy keeping active at work now it’s time to fit your favourite into your workday.

