Quick Fire — Why You Should Be Networking

Tamzin Grebot


  1. Advice

You may have a specific problem that you need solving and sometimes the best way to do so is to pick the brain of a like-minded other. Someone out there has the answer you’re looking for, you just need to find out who they are.


Don’t underestimate a good friendship, it can be lonely working with just your computer screen for company sometimes. Everyone can benefit from some good old human interaction.


The best opportunities in life will come from the people you network with. Everything from employment opportunities to places you can go. If two equally qualified people go for the same opportunity then it’ll go the the one who is known, liked and trusted the most.


Networking is about give and take. If you network with the right people you should be able to assist each other with business promotion, links, introductions and getting each other out of the occasional tricky situations.

5.Positive Influence

Being surrounded by motivated, like-minded individuals will ensure that you develop into the best you can be as their positive traits rub off on you.

