Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation — Generation Z

Who Are Your Newest Customers?

Tamzin Grebot
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2018


Forget millennials and make way for Generation Z, this generation accounts for everyone born post 1995. Its important to note the differences between gen Z and previous generations to make the most of your business marketing in 2018.

With gen zers living in a time of continuous updates and changes they tend to process information quickly; short snappy marketing campaigns will catch their attention over lengthy advertisements. Take Snapchat for example, the app of the gen zers, content is shared for a matter of seconds or maybe looked back on for a handful of hours, this leaves any engagement with brands short and sweet.

Although it may not be the traditional working style, gen zers are incredible multitaskers. It is reported that gen zers are interacting with over 4 screens at a time, and have an 8 second attention span. From communication on phones, face timing on tablets and gaming on PC’s this new generation has an incredible skill to jump between work and play yet still be productive. This creates opportunity for brands to engage constantly with users, gone are the days of flyers through doors and long live digital advertising.

Gen zers want to know more. Brands are now able to become part of a customers lifestyle in more ways than their product. Using these social medias you are able to allow a closer look into how your brand runs and make the interaction with customers more personal. Using Instagram stories means your brands story will pop up between a customers friends and family they follow. Your brand is recognized more now as a person and less like a business.

Although gen z may look like the perfect digital advertising guinea pigs they are subject to a much higher volume of advertising than previous generations which results in much higher expectations. With hundreds of thousands of businesses reaching out to each individual on a minute by minute basis, businesses need to be quick to target their direct target audience.

When marketing to generation Z remember the following:

Make it snappy

Always be there

Have a personality

Don’t waste time on the mass

