Genesis Shards $GS — Polkastarter Dual IDO Whitelist Results

We thank our community for all the support ❤️

Genesis Shards
Genesis Shards
2 min readApr 12, 2021


The very first Polkastarter Dual IDO received a record 1,500,000 registrations — the response has been overwhelming ! 🔥

The $GS POLS whitelist process closed on Apr 11th 2021.

Acknowledging our community’s concerns, we took every single step required to ensure “Humans Only !” on our results. We tirelessly reached out to shortlisted participants manually to ensure bots were weeded out. 🤖

Emails will be sent out to the whitelisted community members. Recipients must complete KYC within 24 hours i.e. no later than Tuesday April 13th, 2021 5:00PM UTC — else their registration would stand cancelled. ⏳

IMPORTANT : The email will be only sent from to the shortlisted participants with further instructions and information related to KYC. 📧

Instructions 📝

1. Whitelist results can be found in the following document 📄

2. Whitelisted participants will need to complete the KYC ✍️ in 24 hours, no later than Tuesday April 13th, 2021 5:00PM UTC.

3. Once again — make SURE the email is received from

In order to prevent ‘spoofing’ please check that you are present on the whitelist here :

< > ✅

4. Note that KYC is required 🎫 to participate in the POLS IDO for $GS on Apr 14th (Wednesday).

5. Please note that being whitelisted and completing KYC is not a guarantee for being able to take part in the Polkastarter IDO and purchase $GS. The IDO will be held on a first come first served basis ⚡️ from a limited whitelisted group. 625 participants will get a spot in the IDO.

Warning 🚫

⚠️ Team members of GenShards will NEVER DM you under any circumstances and will NEVER ask you for funds.

⚠️ The smart contract address for $GS is NOT available at the moment in the public domain. Please be careful of fake addresses and scammers

⚠️ $GS tokens will ONLY become available after the Polkastarter IDO on April 14th.

⚠️ ONLY look for emails from In order to prevent ‘spoofing’ please check that you are present on the whitelist

A big thank you to the community for your participation in our whitelisting process, and for your patience. This endeavor would be impossible without your support !

Wishing you the best,

Genesis Shards Team

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About Genesis Shards

Genesis Shards is a decentralized ecosystem powered by Polkadot redefining NFTs as DeFi options, creating a permissionless environment of interchain liquidity for pre-IDO tokens.

The next major steps in Genesis’s journey will be announced soon! Keep an eye on this space for updates.

Quicklinks :

Telegram Announcement | Telegram chat | Twitter | Website



Genesis Shards
Genesis Shards

Transforming NFTs into a liquidity vehicle for Pre-IDO tokens and a whole new suite of DeFi products across multiple blockchains.