GV Weekly Report

Genesis Vision
Genesis Vision Blog
2 min readMay 21, 2021


Hello Visioners!

As we’ve mentioned in our previous article, we had to tweak the model for our DeFi protocol. Ethereum gas fees have been a hot topic for a while, so our focus this week was to utilize alternative DeFi platforms — for stability and seamless transactions.

To make all this a reality, the first thing we need to do is — to support GVT on other blockchains, where we will develop our platform. Key areas of development this week included bridging and supporting alternative DeFi platforms.


  • Preparation of ERC20 to BEP20 bridge (and vice versa) for GVT
  • xDai deposits and withdrawals from the platform
  • Integration of the Perpetual Protocol

GVT Bridge

Yes, finally — a topic around the GVT token! GVT will soon be available on Binance Smart Chain! It will soon be possible to convert GVT through the platform — for both deposits and withdrawals. They will be available on both networks (on BSC or xDai) or through the bridge.

Conversions will be available soon after testing is complete.

xDai Deposits and Withdrawals

Some of you may know, that you can use the official bridge to convert your Dai to Xdai: https://www.xdaichain.com/for-users/bridges/converting-xdai-via-bridge/moving-dai-to-xdai

We are pleased to let you know that we will be providing support for deposits and withdrawals of Dai/xDai directly through the Genesis Vision platform.

We are just fine-tuning this along with a few more test runs, and in a few days we should have it ready for deployment.

Perpetual Protocol Integration

We are in collaboration with the Perpetual Protocol team, and are already progressing on integrating their protocol into Genesis Vision. The other day, they opened the source code (https://github.com/perpetual-protocol/perp-lite) of their client, which allows us to progress with the integration of smart contracts and the client terminal. We cannot yet give the exact date of completion, but we will regularly update you on where we are.

There is much more in the pipeline and this is only a snippet of what we have been working on this week.

As always, it’s a pleasure telling you what goes on behind the scenes. See you next week, for our weekly report and discover what we have accomplished!

See you soon, Visioners!



Genesis Vision
Genesis Vision Blog

The first platform for the private trust management market, built on Blockchain technology and Smart Contracts