Future of the project: explained

Genesis Vision
Genesis Vision Blog
7 min readJun 22, 2018

We would assume that some of you are fed up with holding tokens and are striving to finally get them invested into a competent trading program. We feel you; we want it just as much!

It would be by far, the biggest event in the history of Genesis Vision. Since we have only one chance to go live, it is essential to get it right, the first time.

This article will reveal our plans for both the near and not so distant future and will look to update you on the overall state of the project, as well as provide some of the answers a lot of you have been dying to learn about. So without further delay. Let’s jump right in!

Traditionally, we would like to start by giving ourselves a quick pat on the back and talk about what has already been accomplished up to this stage.

The first one we’ll be patting though is, of course, our community. The amount of feedback we have received over the duration of the Alpha is; honestly, jaw-dropping.

Currently, we’ve amassed over 450 topics, almost 800 comments, and over 25 000 pageviews on our feedback website and you’ve got to admit — this is a lot of suggestions! And we read every one of your comments ( except maybe the latest ones, we didn’t have time to discuss yet ), and took a lot into consideration.

It’s hard to describe the feelings when you see someone from a community volunteer as a tester and provide such excessive amount of constructive feedback, but it surely makes us very proud. It is even harder to put a price tag on such feelings, but we still sincerely wanted to reward the most active members of our community.

Users Ace and Ryan receive 10 GVT each since they have created the most amount of topics and had the highest overall rating.

That’s far from over. Here are eight more remarkable users and members of our community, who deserved at least 5 GVT each for their input:

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A user named Justin receives 10 GVT for his outstanding comment, where he provided his vision of the GV user interface. Judging by the number of likes the comment received, we were not the only ones who loved his version.

User sjwceltics receives 5 GVT for his second most top-rated comment.

And finally Crypto Clown receives 5 GVT for the highest amount of ratings made. It is very important not only to leave feedback, but to rate it as well, so we could see if the suggestion resonates with the majority of you.

All of the above-mentioned community members will receive an e-mail to the email address used when you created the account. All you need to do to receive the reward — is to reply to this e-mail with your ETH wallet address.

On behalf of the team: a huge thank you to all of the people mentioned, and all of the people who generally invested their time into providing feedback. You are the backbone of this project, you really are.

Alright, so what else have we been doing?

Launch of GM

If you have shown at least the slightest form of interest in the project prior to reading this, you’re probably already aware of what Genesis Markets is, but if you’re not then this is what it’s all about, here is a nice “timeline of hyperlinks” — a story about how the first crypto broker, that aggregates data from multiple sources, was launched:

March 17, 2018. An article “Genesis Markets announcement” is released, where we (are you ready for it!?!?) … announce Genesis Markets.

June 1st, 2018. We release an article titled with a bold statement of “13 reasons why Genesis Markets is the best way to trade crypto”, where we describe, (you’re not going to believe it), 13 reasons why Genesis Markets is an amazing way to trade crypto…. Oh, and did we mention it’s the “best” way.

And then boom! June 8, 2018. An article called “Genesis Markets is released!” is announced.


But the arc of the story does not end there, and there is a lot of stuff, that you should be prepared for. More about this later.

The launch of the GV Alpha version

This should not come as a surprise for you, since we have been live in an Alpha stage from the 1st of April. However, a lot of unnoticeable work has been done. Generally, this is the type of labour that is most crucial.

The team has carried out numerous essential tests and provided a (what seems to be) lifelong supply of feedback. We have also updated all of the client applications including web, Android and iOS on multiple occasions.

Visiting iFX EXPO Limassol 2018

It goes without saying, that such expos are of absolutely paramount importance, especially during the startup stage of the projects development. You can read a detailed report about the trip here, but if we would to cut it short, we would describe the whole experience as incredibly productive and efficient.

We’re already in the process of reaping the rewards of all the connections made during the conference, however, it is far to early to disclose anything at the moment.

But we can say for a fact, that going to such kind of events has multiple benefits, period.

Hosting a huge tournament

We’ve never hosted a tournament consisting of such a big of a prize pool. Even though it didn’t go quite as smooth, as was initially intended, it was very insightful and purposeful.
The thing is you see; we’ve detected a lot of unfair practices ongoing during the tournament, which made us think: “Well, we should upgrade these things”. So all in all, it was a very, very important experience.

What’s next

Everyone waits for Genesis Vision to go live with real GVT. We know it, because we are itching to go live as well. But let’s level our heads for a minute.

Does everyone expect to be able to merely deposit real GVT and invest them in a trading program?


Does everyone expect a huge marketing campaign, a sizeable amount of experienced investors and fund managers, proper functionality and a lot more?

We think that it might be a colossal mistake, if we don’t attract a necessary amount of skilled investors, if we don’t implement all of the features promised in the roadmap, if the experience of the live version of the platform is something short of stellar — anything short of this just will not provide what we have always intimated.

We believe that even though the short-term deadlines are crucial, they are overshadowed by the importance of the long-term, more significant overall frameworks.

It became our good tradition to outrun the roadmap, so we thought: why the heck not? And we moved the date of the launch of the first version of the product from January 2019 to October 2018.

The initial plan, proposed during the ideation of Genesis Markets, included a gradual launch, but now we’ve come to understand that we need to make a final rush, gather every single unit of power left within the team and complete everything necessary for a full-fledged launch.

What can you expect to be implemented by October:

- Completely overhauled UI. We are revamping the interface from the ground up with a team of designers, formerly working from a TradingView design. We are carefully listening to all your feedback and are currently in the process of changing these.
-Integration with decentralized exchanges Idex and Forkdelta.
Genesis Vision managers will be able to carry on their trading and managing funds of GV investors right through the individual interface of the decentralized exchange of their choice.
Truly seamless.
-Complete integration of Genesis Markets with Genesis Vision.
-The platform and all of the reading materials will be translated into the Chinese language. We will start an active promotion in the Chinese region, a region, which importance is hard to undermine. Please keep in mind, that it is not some offhand expansion or irrelevant marketing campaign in Chinese, no! We are going in deep.
-Index funds will be live. That is the secret feature we were previously hinting at…. Just by the way!
-Many more tools to analyse the performance of trading managers. There is never enough, when it comes up to your money.
-A long-awaited massive marketing campaign to attract new investors and managers to GM and GV. Just like everyone has been asking for — a big, bold, borderline flamboyant marketing campaign.
-And, of course, all of it — live with the use of real GVT.

So, if that is too much to digest, here is a tl;dr version for all of you:

  • Launch the first live version of the platform in October (Real GVT).
  • Loaded with new features!
  • We are updating nearly all of the user interfaces in accordance to your feedback.
  • A very important expo in London is coming up in November. Genesis Vision is one of the main sponsors of the event, so it should be quite hot.

Keep an eye out for more news incoming because there will be more coming your way!

As always, a huge thank you to all of the Visioners. Until next time!



Genesis Vision
Genesis Vision Blog

The first platform for the private trust management market, built on Blockchain technology and Smart Contracts