Genesys Tech Hub
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2021

In this new interview series, we will be letting you into the different career roles of the humans of Genesys. The aim of this is to inspire people looking to dive into this niche/career line.

On our debut episode is Inyene Ikpe, the Brand Studio Manager at the hub. The brand team comprises creative minds passionate about branding, web design, copywriting, social media management, visual design and more.

Hi Tappi, tell us what your job is about

My job as the Brand Studio Manager entails managing the workflow of the Brand Team. I have to make sure that we aren’t underworking or overworking. I also liaise with clients to ensure I get their requirements and meet up with them. Bringing balance to the team is important, and I make sure the workflow from one department to the other moves as smoothly as possible.

What does an “average” day look like?

No day is average in Genesys, and I say this because we are constantly doing incredible things. But I’ll tell you how the brand team operates on a typical day. Usually, the first item of the day is to review the day's post on our social media channels, and then I check up on all the individuals on their pending work. I also contact clients to either update them on the current work state or get more insight into their needs. I usually also have fun with my teammates in between the tough stuff where we gist, play, and laugh. In summary, we balance our work and playtime not to be overworked, which has proved successful.

How did you become a brand studio manager? What was your career path?

I was part of the Codename: Learnable 20 internship program under the product design path. I must say that deciding to be part of that internship is one of the best decisions I have made because it gave me clarity in what I should do and also what I want to be in life. I finished as the most creative intern and transitioned into a full-time role at the hub. I was offered a job as the Brand Studio Manager duly, and I think the qualities I exhibited during the internship (creativity and collaboration) opened up the role for me. I have been doing well so far.

If you could give one piece of advice to anyone starting in tech, what would it be?

Have the patience to learn the Basics. There’s no need to rush in whatever you are doing, whether colouring paper or constructing a skyscraper. You need to understand the basics of whatever you are doing if you want to be the best in whatever you are doing. After all, a mansion doesn’t form if the first foundation stone isn’t laid.

If you weren’t working as a brand studio manager, what would you be doing?

I would be a professional footballer! Football has always been my passion, and it is a beautiful sport, and I’m quite good at it. I play as a striker, and as per my role, I score a lot of goals.

Fun fact: Messi is better.

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Genesys Tech Hub

Currently fearlessly embracing the spectrum of human emotions.