How to Start a Capsule Wardrobe: The Staples

Genevieve & Co.
Genevieve & Co.
Published in
5 min readNov 10, 2020

It’s 6:30 am. I’m bleary-eyed, un-caffeinated, and already running late. I’ve got a big meeting this afternoon and need an outfit that gives me confidence. Problem is, it requires heavy machinery to get into my closet. My little closet is stuffed to the brim. There’s no way I’m going to find my power blazer without a fight and a flashlight.

Don’t you miss the simple days? When mom would lay out your clothes the night before. Or if you were lucky, you wore a school uniform. I hated it then, but life would be so easy now if we could wear the same thing every day — like a cartoon character. Either way, you were able to roll out of bed, throw something on, and be ready to start your morning.

You’ve probably heard about the minimal living craze and the tiny homes that go with it. Today, I’m going to introduce you to the fashion version of minimalism — the capsule wardrobe. Because tiny homes have tiny closets.

I’m on a mission to downsize my wardrobe and I invite you to join me! I’ll be sharing a few blog posts to show you how easy it is to free your closet from overwhelm. In this first part, I’ll break down how to start a capsule wardrobe.

With this blog series, comes a challenge for you to join me. Can you adopt a capsule wardrobe for one month? Give it a try. We can always go back to overstuffing our closets next month.

Photo courtesy of @emilylightly

What Is a Capsule Wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all definition, but most experts agree it’s a way to simplify your closet. With fewer items, you’ll save time, money, and the environment. A capsule wardrobe typically consists of 30–40 pieces that can be styled together. It makes getting dressed feel effortless. A capsule wardrobe contains mostly neutrals with a few pops of color.

Photo courtesy of @debbyhudson

How to Start a Capsule Wardrobe

Unlike every other fashion movement in history, the capsule wardrobe doesn’t start with shopping. (Don’t bail just yet. I promise there will be shopping!)

The first step is to assess everything you own. Channel your inner Marie Kondo and get ready to make some tidying up magic. Clear your calendar for the day and cue up a killer playlist. Because we all know cleaning out your closest requires the occasional dancing around in your underwear moments.

Pull everything — I mean EVERY single piece of clothing — out of your closet and dresser. One by one, go through each item. You’ll want to make Keep, Sell, Donate, & Recycle piles.

Some decisions are easy — your favorite jeans or that classic LBD are keepers — but if you’re unsure here’s the list of questions I go through when deciding.

  • When was the last time you wore it? If it’s been more than a year, it’s time to say buh-bye.
  • Does it fit your lifestyle? If you quit your corporate job last year, chances are you don’t need half a dozen pencil skirts anymore. It can be hard to part with items that were expensive or sentimental, but this does you no good. It’s time to move on and dress for the life you lead now.
  • Does it fit? If it doesn’t make you look and feel amazing RIGHT NOW it has no place in your closet.
  • Does it need repair or alterations? Quality pieces are worth the hassle when it comes to tailoring or fixing little boo-boos. If you’ve got a pair of pants that need hemming, make this a priority.
  • Is it too trendy? Will it work with my other clothes? Sequins, faux fur, or other loud details are fun once in a while, but it’s hard to style them in a capsule wardrobe. Put these aside for now and plan on embellishing your outfits with accessories.
  • And the most important question — do you LOVE it? If it’s not an immediate yes, it’s time to part ways. Life is short, we should all love the way our clothes make us feel. Hanging on to something because it was pricey or a gift doesn’t serve you.

Once you’ve gone through everything, it’s time to narrow down the Keep pile. Remember we’re aiming for 30–40 versatile pieces you can easily mix and match.

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Do I Have to Get Rid of All These Clothes?

Not exactly. And not right now.

I get it. This was the hardest part for me too.

You’ve spent years building your wardrobe. If you can’t bear to part with some of those trendy once-in-awhile pieces, at least put them far out of reach. Pack up all the non-essentials and store them somewhere that won’t be easy to access if you’re tempted. Over time, you’ll realize how much simpler your life is without all that stuff. Decision fatigue is a real problem. By uncomplicating your wardrobe, you take the guesswork and endless options off the table.

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What Are Capsule Wardrobe Staples?

When you’re pairing your closet down to less than 40 items, there are some exceptions. Ultimately it’s up to you, but I think activewear, pajamas, swimwear, jewelry, shoes, and accessories can stay in addition to your 40 pieces.

Since these items aren’t a part of our daily dressing deliberations they shouldn’t count against our capsule wardrobe. And right now we’re wearing leggings 90% of the time anyway…

How to start a capsule wardrobe with 40ish items — make sure you have a few of each of these:

  • Jeans
  • Trousers or pants
  • A sweater or two depending on the season
  • A few jackets
  • Dresses or skirts
  • Tops and blouses

To make styling your outfits effortless, pick mostly neutral colored items (black, brown, denim, gray). To keep things from getting boring, add in a select few colorful pieces that will work with any neutral. Stick with colors you love and that flatter your skin tone, for me that’s purple.

The Weight of the World

Don’t you feel good, now that you’ve cleared out some major space? Clutter and chaos weigh on you emotionally and can make you feel anxious. Cleaning out your house does wonders for your mental state.

Up next in the capsule wardrobe series, I’ll show you how to maintain and shop for your capsule wardrobe.

Now that I’ve shown you the ropes for how to start a capsule wardrobe, are you going to give it a try? Drop a comment below and let me know what part of the process you’re most excited about (or dreading)!



Genevieve & Co.
Genevieve & Co.

We’re creating a new way to shop for a better world. 🌱🌎 Making sustainable wear the norm, one good decision at a time. ✨